If you’re in your 20s or 30s, it’s the perfect time to have friends who—well—aren’t in their 20s or 30s. It’s normal that friendships evolve over time. Her saying that is a constant reminder to search for strong mutual affection, and accept nothing less. The most selfless thing they do is look out for me so that I don’t make the same mistakes they did as younger women (I still do, though, believe me). That got me thinking though, about how valuable relationships with older people are to me in general. And most of my batch-mates (90%) were non-engineering graduates, straight out of college. Approach this scientifically. I’d like to think that having younger friends/companions offers its own set of benefits as well. We need to be prepared with a list of things to have with us whenever we leave the house again. And so I think the second piece of why it’s so much harder to make friends when you’re older is because as adults, we’ve learned to hold back our real selves from each other. Our relationship began with her advising me on my freshman schedule, and this past summer she revealed to me that she was pregnant after telling only her parents, husband, and sister. by Ben Henry. BuzzFeed Staff. With old friends, you don’t need to see them all the time to feel close. Hannah Burton for … Thanks, TikTok. One afternoon at his home, Carl opened his desk drawer in his den. You're Not In College Anymore . Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. But my two sets of friends were different. Or rough drafts still waiting to be shaped and developed. I would cry in front of my friends if I was feeling sad or upset. I hope I brighten their lives at least a little bit in comparison to how much they've brightened mine. You might even address each other using nicknames or other terms of endearment.But when you’re addressing someone older than you—whether they’re a family member, friend, or a stranger—that’s not always the best choice. I was having dinner the other night at a trendy Thai restaurant with my friend Karie, who’s half my age. As a kid who grew up in the 2000s, I can think of some of my favorite staple Christmas movies. I wasn’t BFF with just any old person I met, mind you. 7 years ago. If you're looking for recommendations or just a walk down memory lane, check out the list below. Friends have a prominent role in our lives. 19 Things You'll Only Understand If All Of Your Friends Are Older Than You. Your friend, who is a year older than you, and a group of his friends are asking you to go to the lake to dive and swim. When I was a kid, I would tell my friends my secrets. You can’t stop time, but you can stop some of the bad habits that cause premature aging, so that when you are 60, you won’t look 75. What's different about hearing these words from juniors and seniors, is that they have already lived through the struggles I’m currently facing. So friendship with an older person can open your eyes and break the prejudices about them because there is nothing that they have to learn, for they had already passed all a long time ago. 1. However, if your list did not include a few men or women that are significantly older or younger than you, then you may be missing out. The stories that my old friends told me were more than pure entertainment, though. When you manage to lock down some free time, you want to spend it with the people you’re closest to and care most about, instead of those who are simply acquaintances. That’s natural—you’re in the same phases of life connecting through work, kids and shared hobbies. Our … When I was young, I liked hanging out with older people. ‘Befriending someone older or younger than you can broaden your perspective,’ says psychotherapist Hilda Burke. People have always said I act older than … 7 Ways To Make Friends Post 50. Definitely wine. According to me it is much better to have a best friend who is much bigger in age than you like your parents or grandparents or anyone else whom you can trust enough. What you want is someone to hang with near where you live. And that our experiences have value. Age teaches us that it’s much better to have few sincere friendships than a ton of superficial ones. 2.3m members in the teenagers community. Why Your Friends' Ages Matter More Than You Think. They say old friends are the best, and I agree. Some of these losses are a casualty of divorce or relocation. When I was in my 20s and 30s, I did a lot of hanging out with people who were the age I am now, and beyond. 1 decade ago. Age-gap friendships will help you to fit in any group of people, older or younger. Through experience, I really believe we grow from having people in our lives that are older and younger than us. The Christmas season is coming to an end, but it's not too late to get some last-minute movies in! Your older friend won’t think you're “boring” or “lame” for preferring to stay in and have one glass of wine, rather than go out on the weekend and get completely hammered. But I think about them a lot, especially since I’ve gotten older. Her philosophy of life, as she once explained it to a colleague of mine, was, “I get up, put on my dress, and say yes to everything.”, Once when I was living in New York, I left her a voicemail on her home phone. Look no further, I have the perfect recommendation. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. Clare Regelbrugge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. Maybe when she’s my age and I'm long gone, she’ll remember something I once said to her — perhaps it was something imparted over a dish of Ben & Jerry’s, or Asian noodles. They don't love you in spite of your mistakes, but because of them. The Value Of Having Friends Older Than You. The older she got, the more beautiful her writing became, winning her awards. He didn't need the paycheck. The importance of cross-generational friendships: Whether working, raising a family, shuttling kids between activities, managing a household while trying to squeeze in a little leisure time, look around and see if your friends and coworkers are from the same generation as you. Having a friend who lives an hour's drive away will mean you won't see them as much as the person who lives closer. They are the first breath of freedom. BuzzFeed Staff 1. As you grow older, your time for socializing will simply shrink. As you grow older, you’ll have less patience for insincerity and shallow relationships. When I was in my 20s and 30s, I did a lot of hanging out with people who were the age I am now, and beyond. Geography Counts, So Stay Local. All that said, here are seven reasons that the older you get, the fewer friends you have, according to experts. Unlike other survival shows, there's a bit more to the story than what first meets the eye. 9) You will ALWAYS have a role model to look up to. You’re weirdly offended when people say you look young. Around 10 people (aside from my spouse and myself) are a fairly close group of friends. Approach this scientifically. She, like Carl, also worked a full-time job at the SF Examiner long past her retirement age. And, truthfully, it sucks. So think global, but stay local. They often help us effectively in various conditions. In their surroundings, you will get to know the … TikTok is a great way to see what products are trending. You need friends that are your age because, you will have things in common with them and the friends you make in high school and college will be lifelong friends as long as you keep in touch with them. "Join me in Venice," I said, "I'm going there on vacation." For people like myself, your friends are your family. I was too young then to grasp many of their deeper meanings. Today is National Voter Registration Day! I had, besides older friends, plenty of young ones, too — people my age. As my older friends taught me, “The End” doesn’t mean the novel’s over. You’ve got less time. But when her top notes left her, and her husband, too, she fled to Argentina. My younger friends — me included — were more like short stories. All rights reserved. If you began to notice that you’re keeping regular contact with fewer people than you did a decade ago, there’s nothing to worry about. You have matured quicker than people your own age, nothing wrong with that but always remember it is important to be childish sometimes nd get into trouble because … She did, too. After all, “gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life” (Proverbs 16:31). 19 Things You'll Only Understand If All Of Your Friends Are Older Than You. I’m 27. Literally not a … "The Wilds" was released on Amazon Prime last month and has been gaining traction steadily since then. Just then Karie snapped a photo of me and the pad Thai. She returned to New York as a Latin, Carmen Miranda-like diva in tutti-frutti hats. Some, like my friend, Lelane, had to watch every penny. For example, I found solace in the office of my high school guidance counselor. I know when you’re young, the trend is to associate ONLY with people the exact same age as you, but that is a kid thing. Friends have a prominent role in our lives. You don't have to yell, but keep your voice as clear as possible, avoid using slang, and be willing to speak louder if it's clear that the person can't hear you. In high school I didn’t think much of this consistent trend in my relationships. Heck, for that matter my wife is 4 years older than me as well. So, ti;s hard to hang out wiht them. As Lelane Rivera, her new name, she spent the next 20 years singing, dancing and playing the piano in nightclubs and cruise ships. Having a friend who lives an hour's drive away will mean you won't see them as much as the person who lives closer. We spend a lot of time together. Unfortunately, most of the skin damage you see in your 40s and 50s actually happened when you were in your teens and 20s. All my friends are older too. My other older friends that are I'm 9t/10th. How I Stay Single and Sane While All My Friends Are in Relationships. You will learn a lot by spending time with the older and more experienced people. 1. Nobody puts "Baby" in the corner. I looked through past texts to find some moments to cite these bonds, and unsurprisingly it didn’t take much scrolling. My older friends reminded me of thick novels. The Value of Having Friends Older Than You. They say old friends are the best, and I agree. They didn’t feel that every little aspect of their day was worth sharing. They have more experiences, I can rely on them for advice. Growth is something that we're all ultimately striving for. “Hangin’ out with John!” she tweeted to her young friends. Age ranges from 31 to 45. Like this article? Some, like my friend Caroline, had money and lived in fancy neighborhoods. Because I'm still reminiscing about simpler times. It is a grace of God that the young people in your life have been placed there. If you aren't convinced yet, allow me to provide you with a list of further persuasion. First of all, older friends are a bit like grandparents; they let you do whatever your parents forbid. As we enter the new year, you might be looking for a great show to kick-off 2021. You are more mature than others your age. That happened with me when I joined MBA. They contained universal themes and lessons for living. This series of 10 one-hour episodes tells the stories of eight girls who find themselves on a deserted island after their plane crashed while they are on their way to a resort. Now that’s a formula I’d like to bottle. See, having older friends are equal parts fun and stressful. Flickr: CoffeePartyUSA, Sign up for Next Avenue's weekly newsletter. In a previous piece, I discussed the reasons why Greek life and sisterhood are so valuable- one of which is that it gives me access to older/wiser women. So, as a potential remedy for our travel necessity, I have listed 5 alternative ways in which you can relish your traveling desires during this pandemic. If you’re the youngest in your crew, this is will make you feel seen. So think global, but stay local. Their stories evoked other eras that were populated with legendary characters. Every Sunday night we watch Breaking Bad while eating ice cream. r/teenagers is the biggest community forum run by teenagers for teenagers. And I think that enjoyment works both ways (at least I hope it does). Yes, you can have friends who are older than you. What you want is someone to hang with near where you live. I had, besides older friends, plenty of young ones, too — people my age. Sign up for Next Avenue's weekly newsletter to get more fascinating articles and blogs about work, finance and lifestyle issues geared to a 50+ audience. 1. ©2021 Verizon Media. In the weakness of your flesh, he stands ready to uphold you. Yet I have 3 friends that are 30 years older than me. The Wilds is the Best New Show on Amazon Prime. People are sharing tips and tricks about items that they use to make their life happier, healthier, or just easier. They managed to combine a childlike joy for living with mature judgment and wisdom. I guess my conversation is boring her, I thought. You like being around people who can guide you and protect you hence why you hand around with older people. Still, they didn’t become bitter old cranks or stay-at-home recluses. No it’s not “bad”. But in order to move on and get past something you need to allow yourself to feel it for what it is--all of the heartbreak and pain--and then you can start to take steps move on. My Scrabble pal Carl had once been a gag writer for Groucho Marx. During dinner she took out her smartphone. Mixing with older people and having older friends, providing they are reasonably honest and it isn't sexually motivated on their part, can be really nice, older people can be helpful and they often know more about life and have good advice if you want it and can listen. Women are known to lug around heavy purses with unnecessary items inside. Some people believe that those friends who have the same age present more valuable advice than the others who are older. Growth is something that we're all ultimately striving for. As your wrinkles have come, his love has not faded for you. He just liked being vital. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2019/dec/13/harry-styles-fine-line-review-columbia, https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/amazon-s-wilds-much-more-just-gender-swapped-lord-flies-ncna1250078, Almost All Of My Friends Are Older Than Me, And That's OK, 27 Things To Carry In Your Purse, Because If 2020 Taught Us Anything, It's You Just Never Know, 34 Harry Styles Lyrics As Instagram Captions That'll Even Make Him 'Adore You', 20 Songs For That Breakup Playlist You'll Listen To While Binging Ice Cream, 10 Memories From The Early 2000s Because Life Was Easier Then, 11 Christmas Movies You'll Remember If You Were A 2000s Kid, 9 Reasons 'The Wilds' Should Be Your Next Binge Watch, 5 Therapeutic Ways To Be Adventurous During The Pandemic, 10 Things TikTok Made Me Buy, And Now My Life Is So Much Better. If you aren’t even friends yet, it’s hardly going to progress beyond the superficial. 2. This, and all the other things that happen when you feel older than you actually are… Via Vincentla Flame. Your friends might understand mumblings filled with the latest slang, but don't expect someone much older than you to get what you are trying to say. Nobody puts "Baby" in the corner. When you’re among friends and family members who are your own age, you probably refer to each other by your first names. Most of the people opt to make decisions after getting advice from others since it allows them to get aware of diverse aspects of the situation. If you don't keep these 27 items In your purse, what's in there? Each of my old friends had suffered the tragedies and losses that come with longevity. You get along until you don’t. 0 0. In her mid-70s she traveled to Cambodia, Mongolia and Iraq, writing stories about each locale. Due to the paramount importance role of friends in our decisions, a heated debate exists over whether which category of them can be more useful. Following suit, as I look back on my freshman year, I notice that the majority of my closest friends were juniors and seniors. I was an engineer with work experience. Tell your Mom that people yuour age aroung there are not mature enough for you. The differences between older friends and myself allow more room for perspective, and a break from the normality of everyday life. The truth is, when we feel young, it's nice to have a conversation with someone younger, reminding us how far we've come. I'm the 31 year old, so all my friends are older than me. Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. “When you make a big decision in life,” she once told me, “kill the alternative.”. Few sincere friendships than a ton of superficial ones, straight out of college though, found. And most of them are gone now in high school guidance counselor or relocation different stages life... 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