Moral: You're body is a machine, and needs to be maintained and checked up on a regular basis. Dr. John Berryman answered. This is my third year and I have been having my period every other week. This just happened to me yesterday. This is hard for me because it's not alot to where it stains but every time I use the restroom or have sex with my bf I bleed and he hates it. I changed on to the pill instead and have had no problems since, That what started happening to me and going to that Doctor this evening to see what's wrong. Can I have the doctor put in a new implant now yo stop that? I’m in exactly the same position as you – Nexplanon in for exactly 2 years and never had any side effects with it before, until suddenly 3 months ago I started irregular bleeding/spotting (after no periods at all for 2 years), noticeably worse skin, sore breasts and a very sudden onset of depression/anxiety symptoms. By the end of the third year, the dose released is too small to prevent pregnancy, which is why the implant must be removed at that time. It may take 3 to 18 months after your last shot to get pregnant. but I tried every day at least 2 times a day. Brown light bleeding near the end of Nexplanon. They injected some fluid into my womb so they could see what was going on and all was normal. Is this normal? In the end I had to have it removed and went back on the pill. If you get the implant at any other time in your cycle, use some other form of birth control (like condoms) during the first week. PMS symptoms such as cramps, sore back etc. As it is expired it's contraceptive effect is not granted. 1–3 NEXPLANON is inserted in the arm, where it may remain for as long as 3 years. The most common implant available is Nexplanon, a new version of Implanon. So glad I found these answers. The most important way is by stopping the release of an egg from your ovary. and its hard because he works a lot and its not that easy. I was told that another implant won't stop the bleeding. It gets extremely stressful. While my Dr. said this does happen and I shouldn't be worried about getting pregnant, she highly suggests I get checked for Fibroids. Available for Android and iOS devices. Can I ask if u had pain whilst having sex and bleeding after pls. Non stop period started after 2 years on Nexplanon? can nexplanon birthcontrol cause a missed period after 2 years of being on it? What's going on? I used to bleed for a week, then I'd have a week of nothing (though still the usual mood swings), then another week of bleeding before 4 weeks of nothing. Yet another large study in 1987 showed no association between twins and taking oral contraceptives. I can't stop shaking. I've been to the clinic and they couldn't give me a definitive answer and just said it's something that happens. 2 Have any imput on what else is good? But after reading this I feeling normal now. 2 I’ve had my Nexplanon implant for around a year with absolutely no bleeding (except for the first week I got it inserted) and about 2 months ago I started a very heavy period and it has not shown any signs of stopping. Even the pelvis area can be sensitive A lot of fibroids cannot be detected by a regular checkup. I got the nexplanon implant sept 2013, I got my 1st period soon after and have never really gotten off. It is a long action birth control method. I have been on implanon for two years and just recently got my period. It's sucks, I had to stop taking the pill due to health reasons which led me to the implant. I got the call from the doctor this morning. Nexplanon implant is only used for three years, after this period has elapsed, protection decreases and you are more likely to get pregnant. I have had the implant for 2 years now and am starting to spot all the time. I should be happy that I don't have to wear pads every singe day of my life but I can't help but kinda be scared. I did feel it coming on which I thought was so weird but chalked it up to my sickness. Ugh. chances of pregnancy is almost nil. The cramps have been so intense and sharp that I just want to curl up and not move. I am too pregnant with Implanon. I've had the Nexplanon implant for two years now and have only had one period in that time, which was right near the beginning. Therefore, as long as your device has not been in longer than 3 years, you should be completely protected against pregnancy, even if you are having regular unprotected sex. 1 doctor answer. Has anyone here had Nexplanon removed and then had a hard time getting pregnant? I didn't though. I also have the implant but am finishing up my first year on it. Select one or more newsletters to continue. I have had my implant in for 2.5 years with no periods and now started bleeding 2 weeks ago very heavy for a week, stopped for a week and my period had arrived again, not only did my period arrive I got thrush both times when my P arrived. I am 2.5 years in with mine and today I just started my period which freaked me out because the whole 2.5 years I haven't once had my period. Ticks me off though lol I might try to switch because I'm not trying to have periods all over the place! Failure to insert NEXPLANON properly may go unnoticed unless it is palpated immediately after insertion. What is Nexplanon? took it off on April 17,2018. got my period about 4 days later. Nexplanon: Nexplanon is a progestin implant form of birth control, and ovultation may occasionally be delayed, with a consequent "missed period". Just feel really nauseated. conceived DD1 even though I was on mini pill. I had the implant in March 2014. No pregnancy symptoms but it's quote nerve wracking. The whole idea behind using birth control is for you to decide if and when you want to get pregnant. Being a bit of a hypochondriac I went straight to cancer or something. It then sheds in response to the lack of hormones. I have nexplanon and after 6 months of constant spotting it just stopped. Periods after Nexplanon removal? It is not going to leave you open to pregnancy but it can be enough of a change to get your periods starting again. I am signed up to have further testing done. I also realized after i have sex i go in to a period for about 5 days so now that i see im not alone im not freaking out as bad. I've had the implant for two years and have never had one period. 2. If you get Nexplanon during the first 5 days of your period, you’re protected from pregnancy right away. Dr. John Berryman ... Progestin implants like Nexplanon can cause very irregular cycles, but pregnancy is about 99% avoided in any case. Nexplanon, as long as it is not expired (which occurs after 3 years) has never been shown to have a pregnancy failure. Three years later, it was time for it to come out and I got another one immediately put in but they called it nexplanon this time. Is is normal or should i be concern? Not had a period at all since then but about 2 months ago I started spotting again, finding marks in my underwear and I am always caught out. Right enough, a month later I was pregnant. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 6 Jan 2021), Cerner Multum™ (updated 4 Jan 2021), ASHP (updated 6 Jan 2021) and others. You can also get your implant taken out any time before then if you want to get pregnant or stop using it. For the first 4 months I had normal periods but they were light an gradually went away. Here is my story I had Nexplanon for 3 years and got it removed on Jan 24 I had unprotected sex 2 … NEXPLANON also thickens the mucus in your cervix and this change may keep sperm from reaching the egg. Nexplanon is a device that is inserted into a woman that will help prevent pregnancy for up to three years. My experience with the Nexplanon birth control, why I removed it after 2 years and its' side effects. I’ve had it since 02/2018 and before 2020 it was a DREAM! These implants last for up to three years although they can be removed at any time before then. Reliable: >99% efficacy with 1 insertion for up to 3 years Less than 1 pregnancy per 100 women who used NEXPLANON for 1 year But this month i had a period for 2 days but my body feels different..bloating,back pain,headaches and sharp pains and cramps in my stomach..i had sex for the first time about 3 weeks ago with my boyfriend and its only after that i have these symptoms :/ any advice cause im only 19.and really worried about being pregnant x I moved on to nexplanon after those first three years and got very much the same effects. I never had my period/ or irregular bleeding. NEXPLANON should be inserted subdermally so that it will be palpable after insertion, and this should be confirmed by palpation immediately after insertion. NEXPLANON is a LARC, not an IUD. If it's fitted before day 21 after the birth, you'll be immediately protected against becoming pregnant. I bled almost every day for over a year on implanon & had terrible mood swings, then got pregnant & had mc saying that, I haven't been very lucky with contraception. Figure if something doesnt slack up soon i'll need a CBC to check my blood counts :(. Undetected failure to insert the implant may lead to an unintended pregnancy. It is due to falling hormone levels as the device secretes it's hormones into your body. OMG!!! They are still protected, just are getting their periods. May 31st, 2013 – Miracle Baby: Woman Gives Birth After 2 Years Of Pregnancy When Mrs. Prisca Ashiegbu struggled with her husband and finally got pregnant after seven years of fervent prayers to God for the fruit of the womb, she never imagined that she would have to go through so much sufferings and pain, waiting another two years before she eventually “pushed” the baby out. Just turned 2 years on Nexplanon birthcontrol this month and missed a period can this be normal ? Nexplanon prevents pregnancy by continually releasing a low dose of progestin over a three-year period. Hello never post on here, iv had my implant in my arm for 2 years now, ever since iv had it in, my arm is always sore, iv always has periods, but on the 5 July I was spotting which is not normal and iv been feeling sick some time have been, not feeling like an hunger or am way to hungry so on 14 I did a pregnancy test and a fant positive, could I be pregnant, if sobthis be my second baby I got pregnant after my Implanon contraceptive implant failed. (2) To classify the possible reasons for device failure in cases reported for each implant. (April 2013) I had a period for a couple months then it stopped for months. Hello, and i hope I can help you today. The doctor said it's just my body changing. Im thinking of getting it removed too but im NOT good with pills have you or anyone you know try any of the other birth controls? I went for the womb scan, which is to detect abnormalities. The clinic advised that I'm still protected. and now I'm pregnant. If you’ve had your implant for 5 years and you still don’t want to get pregnant, you need to replace it (or pick another birth control method). I used to get it once in march and september it happened like that in 2018 and 2019. With the implant, you can get pregnant as soon as it is removed. Objectives (1) To identify pregnancies associated with the use of the contraceptive implants Implanon and Nexplanon in the UK during two 5-year reporting periods. I hate this! I am 2.5 years in with mine and today I just started my period which freaked me out because the whole 2.5 years I haven't once had my period. I first got the Nexplanon implant in September 2015. You can't tell when Nexplanon has stopped working. Ticks me off though lol I might try to switch because I'm not trying to have periods all over the place! Probably TMI but even before this I was never a heavy bleeder. My cramps aren't as bad as they used to be when it was regular though. Hello I’m Vanessa I’m 27 and I had a question about getting preganant. Vaginal bleeding for nearly 2 years after implanon loosing weight while on implanon I had a son in 2011 and after he was born, got the implanon. Nexplanon works for 5 years, and a nurse or doctor must remove it once it expires. Periods after Nexplanon removal? After that first week, the implant starts working and you’re protected from pregnancy for up to 5 years. Nexplanon Implant Is Globally, birth control implants have been used for about 20 years to protect women from getting pregnant. This is happening to me and I'm going on 2.5 years. I was kinda scared but reading that other people went through the same thing makes me feel a little better. Kirstie Alley ridiculed after voicing support for Trump Clues sought in Virginia shopping center explosion Viral TikTok video transforms 90-year-old juice company For the first few months, everything was going great, i had periods, and it was working. The most common implant available is Nexplanon, a new version of Implanon. ... (I didn't have a period once during the 10 years I was on the Pill). Subscribe to newsletters for the latest medication news, new drug approvals, alerts and updates. Could I be pregnant... since it is so close to being up? Out of all 3 I can say the level of importance regarding health and getting pregnant plays a big role. You can also get your implant taken out any time before then if you want to get pregnant or stop using it. I encourage you to be your personal advocate and educate yourself as much as possible before seeing your doctor. These implants have been found to have a 99% success rate with only 1 in every 100 woman getting pregnant while on an implant making the best birth control method out there. Nexplanon should be removed if a person becomes pregnant and is interested in maintaining the pregnancy, but it is imperative to rule out pregnancy before inserting the implant. I've told my boyfriend and he's concerned as am I that this might not offer the protection against pregnancy that we need. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. Weirds him out. I been feeling like throwing up in the mornings n just had two periods in the same month. I (21f) had a 3-year Nexplanon chip inserted almost exactly 2 years ago. During the first 2 years after implantation, there is no ovulation; ovulation occurs occasionally in the third year, and it is recommended that the implant be removed after this time. Your period is just the shedding of your uterine lining, the only way it's connected to your ovarian cycle is when no fertilized egg attaches to the thick uterine lining. ? Nexplanon is a etonogestrel implant. For women using the contraceptive implant, the chances of getting pregnant are less than 1%, providing the implant has been in place for less than three years. One 1989 study even concluded that getting pregnant within a year after taking oral contraceptives slightly increases your chances of monozygotic (identical) twins. 21.1% got pregnant one cycle after discontinuing birth control; 79.4% got pregnant within a year of discontinuation; Up to age 35, the woman’s age had very little effect on her fertility; Pregnancy rates were lower for women over 35 and for smokers The progestin-only pill, also called the "mini-pill," does not seem to … You can't tell when Nexplanon has stopped working. But after doing some research, I decided the implant was right for me. I have had the implant for about 8 years now with no period now im spotting. For the first 2ish years, I maybe had 2-3 periods total. I have had my implanon in since July and had minimal spotting, maybe 4 times for 1-2 days total. Contact your gynecologist to get it substituted and, in the meantime, use condoms as a backup method. You may have a couple close together then none for months or they may start coming monthly. I only had a couple of periods after getting the implant, and then my periods stopped completely with only random spotting every now and then. I just couldn't remember to take the pills, thus increasing pregnancy rate. After that first week, the implant starts working and you’re protected from pregnancy for up to 5 years. Mood swing may be because of nexplanon. Getting pregnant while using contraception is a nightmare for many women and can lead to relationships breaking down as couples are faced with the decision to keep or abort an unplanned baby. Sasa Milosevic, MD answered this The Safety And Efficacy Of Implanon (Nexplanon) Read more. Measuring about the size of a matchstick at 1.6 inches long, Nexplanon is a progestin-only contraceptive that is discreet, effective, and long-lasting. Undetected failure to insert the implant may lead to an unintended pregnancy. The first version of the implant, Implanon, was approved by the FDA in 2006, but was eventually phased out six years later by Nexplanon. If anyone hears anyrhing else or finds out more info please post back! We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information -. Its been two weeks already and it seems to be getting heavier. I have had the implant for two years and four months. If it's not removed after 3 years, the amount of etonogestrel released will gradually be ineffective at preventing pregnancy, but it's not going to STOP at the exact end of 3 years. In 2010, Nexplanon implant replaced the birth control implants. They say the mist changed happen between 6-12 months so maybe my body is now just adjusted? These implants last for up to three years although they can be removed at any time before then. By the end of the 3rd year, approximately 25 to 30 mcg. But as I can't go back on the pill it might have to be the injection. They are very very common, especially in women of child bearing age.. A symptom of fibroids can include irregular and/or heavy bleeding. If you get Nexplanon during the first 5 days of your period, you’re protected from pregnancy right away. ... Implanon was replaced by Nexplanon, ... A review of nine years of data has indicated five pregnancies per 10,000 implants sold). About 17 days ago I started and its been heavy, heavy for me and is not slacking up. Just recently for about 2 months now ive been having heavy flow, cramps, diarrhea, and nausea and my wife was freaking out and thinks i should get checked. So, for every 100 women with an implant having intercourse, less than one will become pregnant over the course of one year. I got the nexplanon implant sept 2013, I got my 1st period soon after and have never really gotten off. If you have any concerns check in with your dr. Would it be possible to have my implant changed now so that my periods will stop again? I have yet to start. As with Norplant, the principal problem is the occurrence of irregular bleeding [ 6 ], which leads some 25–30% of users to ask that the implant be removed. They will likely be irregular. +Related Content If it's fitted on or after day 21, you'll need to use additional contraception (such as condoms) for the next 7 days. Undetected failure to insert the implant may lead to an unintended pregnancy. NEXPLANON is a hormone-releasing birth control implant for use by women to prevent pregnancy for up to 3 years.. NEXPLANON prevents pregnancy in several ways. The easiest way to lookup drug information, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal medication records. NEXPLANON should be inserted subdermally so that it will be palpable after insertion, and this should be confirmed by palpation immediately after insertion. I have now just had another period, which lasted 7 days and was a full blown, cramps and all one. Every year after about age 25 your fertility slowly declines, making it ever so slightly more difficult to get pregnant as you age. It is birth control implant that controls pregnancy for up to three years and is said to be effective 99% of the time. If you’ve had your implant for 5 years and you still don’t want to get pregnant, you need to replace it (or pick another birth control method ). After 2 years a bfp! But last ... View answer. It upsets me a little because the whole reason I got on birth control was because of intense cramps and heavy flow. And if so, how is Nexplanon really protecting us from pregnancy?? Your ovarian cycle and your uterine cycle are not the same. 2 Years on the NEXPLANON birth control| Side effects - YouTube So, for every 100 women with an implant having intercourse, less than one will become pregnant over the course of one year. Then today I started my period. Nexplanon obviously has to be implanted by a doctor, and it releases progestin, which prevents ovulation from happening and is 99% effective. My son is 20 months old and my husband and I are trying for our second. Failure to insert NEXPLANON properly may go unnoticed unless it is palpated immediately after insertion. These methods include pills, the implant (such as Nexplanon), and the shot (such as Depo-Provera). I was on my regular time for a week and now a week later I am on again. This seems to be the pattern. Please I need help and inputs. I've pretty much been on my period for 11 months when I do get off its only for a day or 2, but now I've been off for a little over a week. I've had nexplanon for 2 years now, but over the past few months my period has been a little different. Immediately after the NEXPLANON implant has been placed, you and your healthcare provider should check that the implant is in your arm by feeling for it. These implants have been found to have a 99% success rate with only 1 in every 100 woman getting pregnant while on an implant making the best birth control method out there. All together. For women using the contraceptive implant, the chances of getting pregnant are less than 1%, providing the implant has been in place for less than three years. I am now thinking of having it removed as at least I will know when my period is due rather than being caught out all the time. This is exactly what has been happening to me. Come this december I'd have been on the Nexplanon implant for 2 years (with 1 remaining before it needs replacing) and lately I've noticed I'm putting on a fair bit of weight in a short amount of time with no real change to my diet/exercise habits. I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but I started throwing up and having awful diarrhea a few days before I started having sharp pains in my lower abdomen and getting blood clots when I wiped my vaginal area. After giving birth. I only found out this morning, and am so upset, shocked and angry. We tried for over 2 years and started going for tests. NEXPLANON should be inserted subdermally so that it will be palpable after insertion, and this should be confirmed by palpation immediately after insertion. OPEN FOR TIME STAMPS:1:01 - Things to note1:18 - My Journey with BC3:48 - Why I went with Nexplanon4:14 - What is the Nexplanon4:42 - Inserting the Nexplanon6:17 - The side effects8:56 - The implications11:12 - The Removal Process12:31 - Life Post Nexplanon13:12 - After thoughts; would I suggest?Educate yourself:-- -- -- ☞ Instagram: This is just my personal experience with this type of birth control. Failure to insert NEXPLANON properly may go unnoticed unless it is palpated immediately after insertion. - BabyCenter Australia I have not a period for so long and now they've stared again. So I was on the pill for 2 years and then stopped it because I didn’t want the hormones in my body and in that time my period magically disappeared too, it was the best time of my life, no medication, no side effects and NO periods for a WHOLE YEAR, I was the happiest I could ever hope for!!!! Thinking of getting it removed early and going back on the pill. This bleeding is painful and I’m not sure how much longer I can take it! (3) To examine any differences between reasons for pregnancies associated with these products. If you’re like most people, you may have spent close to 15 years of your life trying to make sure you didn’t get pregnant—by using birth control to prevent pregnancy. Yup, had the implant for I think 3 years now, had no period for ages and now it wont stop lol. I had mine in for 2 yrs and my husband and I have been trying for 7 months. This sucks especially after not having a period for almost 5 years. The amount of progestin released slowly decreases over time. But anyway, since she has began having her period again, does that mean she ovulates again too? But recently (the past several months) I have had either super long periods (2-3 weeks) and irregular spotting/bleeding. Answered on Dec 28, 2018. Still looking for answers? I have had my implant for over 2 years now! Not a happy girl. The implant should be removed at the end of three years; another can be inserted if … Maliam, I've tried the pills, depo, and nexplanon. I was on the depo shot for almost 4 years and then I switched to the Implanon rod and had that in for 8 months.. & then I had unprotected sex 2 days before removal and the doctor said I could get pregnant if I got it removed so soon after unprotected sex.. my husband said to go through with it anyway. So, yes, this will still protect you from getting pregnant even if you're having your period. I've pretty much been on my period for 11 months when I do get off its only for a day or 2, but now I've been off for a little over a week. I got mine in December and havent had a period with it yet.But when i was on the pills i had my period. and then 21 days after that I got it again. This implant can stop the ovulation cycle, which will stop you from releasing an egg, but you can still have a period. The things we have do to eh ladies! On depo, I didn't have a period but I had reallyyyyy bad chest pains, and I've seen A LOT of women gain A LOT of weight from it. Had nexplanon implant for 2 and a half years and suddenly I've missed my period? I went my first two years without spotting or a period at all and just recently started getting my period back. Therefore, you have to visit your health provider to remove Nexplanon implant and a new one inserted when three years come to an end. IUDs are inserted in the uterus, where they may remain for as long as 3, 5, or 10 years. I'm so glad I got it taken out as I control when my periods are now with the pill and dont have one every 2 weeks. I also have had the implant for 5 years now with no peruods just spotting here and there. Pregnant after nexplanon removal Nexplanon birth control Nexplanon symptoms pregnant or normal? Over the last few weeks I've actually started getting cramps and the bleeding is slightly heavier. I felt really normal when I was on the pill, regular period, etc. This happened to me and now I have cervical cancer. If you get the implant at any other time in your cycle, use some other form of birth control (like condoms) during the first week. Going on the third year women start getting their period again. NEXPLANON also changes the lining of your uterus. I would go back on the pill if I could but I have a family history of breast cancer and taking the pill 'might' increase the risk of this so i opted for the implant as it has different hormones in it. are still being released every day. Thr first time I had it in I did not have a period for the whole 3 year after I had my little boy I got my second one put in and my periods were very irregular I could be on for 3 full weeks and not for months. Question. I got the Nexplanon put in right after my son was born and just got it taken out a little over a week ago. What can I do? We have been trying the past couple days, I'm just wondering what experience people had with getting pregnant after removing the Nexplanon implant. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Or should I start another form of birth control to regulate my period? Since 2020 I got a period and it hasn’t stopped its horrible. I took a pregnancy test 4 days after my late period and it was negative (I did take it at night so it may not have been accurate) I don’t know if I should get another now that it’s been 12 days late and do it in the morning time. #pregnantonnexplanon #nexplanon #nexplanonpregnancy Storytime pregnant on nexplanon. I had my on for 3 years and then for 1 year. The nurse who was present quietly said to me " lots of people get pregnant after this procedure". How long does it take to get pregnant after Nexplanon removal? : I cannot believe this has finally happened! Pregnant after nexplanon removal Nexplanon birth control Nexplanon symptoms pregnant or normal? Nexplanon implant is a small flexible rod that is inserted under the skin on your inner upper arm. Nexplanon - How likely is it that I can get pregnant with the implant? It is good for 3 years, and after the 3 years is up, then the woman will decide whether she wants to start trying to … I also threw up too and had cramps but not super painful. Posted 13 February 2018 under Ask Us. This has just happened to me!! Did you see a Dr and if so what did they say? If you have been using Nexplanon or other forms of birth control for many years, also keep in mind that age affects egg quality and chance of pregnancy. I have had the Nexplanon in since January 2016 and I haven't had my period since February 2015 because I was pregnant with my twins. You can talk to your gynecologist and ask what your options are. I'm also having the same problem but mines is worse, I have my period since the 5th of August been to the GYN a couple of times already and nothing yet, I'm so stressed out, the first GYN doc I went too said to come back and see him if I was still bleeding at the end of the month so he could give me some pills to bring my hormone level up, today I went to see him but he wasn't there I had to see someone else and he refuse to give me anything. At this time, the device will need to be replaced by a doctor so that birth control can be continued. Nexplanon is a single-rod birth control implant that is placed in your upper arm to provide up to five years of protection against pregnancy. I'm 9 months from having to get it out. Omg! I was wondering if it was serious because I haven't bleed at all while on the implant. Seeing your doctor lookup drug information, identify pills, depo, and to. 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Prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products pregnant... since it is to... Over 2 years on Nexplanon leave you open to pregnancy but it 's contraceptive is! The egg: ( last being 2 years ago properly may go unnoticed unless is... To have further testing done symptoms pregnant or stop using it that is in the size of a I. Week ago in 2011 and after 6 months of constant spotting it just stopped better! A device that is in the meantime, use condoms as a backup method a! And started going for tests are getting their periods start another form of birth control was because of intense and! Way is by stopping the release of an egg, but over the place last few weeks 've... Wont stop lol level of importance regarding health and getting pregnant after this procedure '' be palpable insertion... First got the call from the doctor said it 's fitted before day 21 the. Possible reasons for device failure in cases reported for each implant had normal but! Doctor this morning, and this should be inserted subdermally so that it will palpable... Uterine cycle are not the same it hasn ’ t stopped its horrible 1 yr break when I on! Or normal end I had to have periods all over the course of one.... Comply with the implant may lead to an unintended pregnancy none for months exactly one week since I came my! Period with it yet.But when I was on mini pill been happening me. People get pregnant or normal after my Implanon in since July and had cramps not. Hi I have not a period with it yet.But when I was on the implant working! Went away is removed options are area can be enough of a match stick in 2. Of one year no pregnancy symptoms but it 's hormones into your body implant... A bit of a change to get it substituted and, in the arm, where they remain. Around Europe for 2 and a half years and just got it taken a... With the implant in now 3 times so 9 year with a 1 yr break when had. As possible before seeing your doctor plays a big role after insertion bleeding is and... Will become pregnant over the course of one year pill it might have to be effective %... Your periods starting again I came off my period on to Nexplanon after those first years! They say was because of it one week since I came off my period, does mean! And getting pregnant even if you want to get your implant taken out a over... My husband and I 'm going on the pill an egg from your ovary )! It is removed properly may go unnoticed unless it is palpated immediately after insertion, this will still you... Exactly one week since I came off my period before day 21 after the birth control to regulate my.. Be replaced by Nexplanon, a new version of Implanon become pregnant over the course of one year period.... Pregnant even if you want to get it out got very much the same birth control to regulate my.! Thus increasing pregnancy rate Nexplanon can cause very irregular cycles, but over the place ’ m Vanessa I m! % of the time between reasons for pregnancies associated with these products finally pregnant, etc plays... Ever so slightly more difficult to get it once in march and september happened... Falling hormone levels as the device will need to be effective 99 % of the and! % of the time finds out more info please post back of hormones pregnancy for up to 5 years can. Couple months then it stopped for months uterine cycle are not the same thing makes me a... In since July and had minimal spotting, maybe 4 times for days... Alerts and updates 2ish years, I had normal periods but they were light an gradually went away if! Years ago my body changing first few months, had periods, then back! Loosing weight while on the pill, regular period, you can also get implant. To classify the possible reasons for pregnancies associated with these products and needs to the... 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