If you are like me and like to reread books to find clues and themes that you did not catch initially, this book is for you! Wand: 13", Chimaera Scale, Mahogany, Pliable, Sexual Orientation: Straight-he surrounds himself with beautiful women (Especially Pansy). For the next year and a half, he helped his mother care for injured Death Eaters and hid those that the Ministry were looking for. todarknessdrawn: “ I’d feel sorry for Narcissa, about all of it, except her husband and son’s egos and the whole…Azkaban thing are the least of her problems, next to the giant icicle shoved up her arse. It wasn't that he was like all the other evil snarky Slytherins – though Malfoy had definitely gone through some changes and was now only giving her fashion tips rather than commenting on her blood. Her home became a safe have to Death Eaters hurt on a mission or in battle, and she would heal them before they returned to the Dark Lord. Player: Laura Personal journal: dream_mancer Character Audition Questions: Character name: Blaise Callisto Zabini Fandom: Harry Potter Date of birth: November 14, 1979 Current age: 26 Physical description: Blaise's heritage is mostly Italian with a bit of Greek… Blaise Zabini Thème Harry Potter Jeu Harry Potter : Années 5 à 7 Sortie 2011 Blaise Zabini est une minifigurine Harry Potter, un sorcier, un élève de la maison Serpentard et un membre du club de Slug. Chapter 1 : How Seamus Finnigan began a Relationship Blaise est membre du Club de Slug [153]. Her name is Jane Winters, and she's the most annoying girl I've ever met. Each husband's death occurred both under suspicious circumstances and left the already wealthy Ms. Zabini and her son with more money. Wands made of beech wood tend to… The surname Zabini is Italian and Portuguese. Blaise is a Slytherin in Harry Potter's year, and is mentioned in the sorting scene in the first book as the final student to be sorted. He needed something to do other than sit around with people he didn't particularly like and when it was asked for some student assistance, Blaise happened to be in a good enough mood to oblige. PRESENT(E) DEPUIS: 18/07/2017 MESSAGES: 16 CREDITS: av/fio. That July, Paul also joined Aida's husbands before him as another grave marker and attributer to the Zabini family fortune. Black. Each husband's death occurred both under suspicious circumstances and left the already wealthy Ms. Zabini and her son with more money. He knew everything about everyone; and if he didn't, then it didn't concern him and he could give two shits about it. "So, what is your name again?" Blaise felt that Voldemort was doing good work, though it was a bit misguided. [6], Pansy Parkinson and Blaise sitting on the Hogwarts' Express, Blaise was one of the students who received an invitation from Professor Horace Slughorn for lunch on the Hogwarts Express journey, which might imply that none of Blaise's relatives were Death Eaters, as Slughorn wanted nothing to do with them (it was the reason why he chose not to invite Theodore Nott to join the Club). Blaise is 6 foot 3 inches tall with olive toned skin with black hair that is layered and choppy. ” Her look of surprise faded into a crooked smirk, slightly conspiratorial, catching and meeting Blaise’s eyes for a moment, before shrugging. Appearances Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Jacoby did not have long to celebrate their first child together though, passing in some unknown fashion in February of 1991. Blaise was born with silver spoon in his mouth, without question. That summer, before his sixth year, he began to see the Dark Mark that marred many of the forearms of those who visited his mother scarring classmates and housemates. By: wonderwall05. Male[6] First Impression: He's very easy on the eyes. Each of her husbands died mysteriously, and after each death she inherited a … Series. Upon graduation, Blaise returned home. Wand Note that while this story appears as part of my series A Trio of Tricksters it is perfectly readable as a standalone piece. Physical information He knew trouble was brewing, and that they would be in the thick of it. where: zabini estate. [Source], Blaise Zabini (b. In 2004, J.K. Ro… However, the Hebrew translation described Blaise as a female in the 1st book, and then as male in the 6th book, making a contradiction. Blaise seemed to get along with Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, and Pansy Parkinson — he was willing to sit with them on the train journey to Hogwarts — but other than that, he was not mentioned to be hanging around that group. ˚ ( Blaise's POV ) Blaise didn't get confused. "See ya" Blaise said as he began to lead me forward. Birthday: 1980 How Old - Age: 41. Quirks/Habits: Never leaves home without wearing the ring his mother gave him when he was a boy, has his robes pressed every night, needs to have his outfit for the following day laid out before he goes to sleep, only wears black boxer briefs, takes tea every single day with his mother, Magical Strengths: Dark Magic and the Dark Arts, Curses, Charms, Arithmancy, Magical History, Ancient Runes, Magical Weaknesses: Magical Creatures, Potions, Astronomy, Divination, Defensive Charms, Transfiguration, Strengths: Self-confident, diplomatic, sly, intelligent, doesn't worry of what others think of him, cultured, love of the finer things, loyal, keen observer, calm, quiet, attentive listener, Weaknesses: Proud, blood prejudice, doesn't worry of what others think of him, extravagant, snide, a bit of a bastard, dry sense of humour, cold, player, lack of ambitions, decadent, Phobias: Death Eater ties being found, his mother's murders figured out, having to really work for a living, aging ungracefully, Philias: Magical history books, books on dark magic, fine wine, horses, tea, Hobbies/Interests: Often found reading history books or books on dark spells, wine tasting, horseback riding, playing the piano, various forms of ball room dancing. While professors began leaving their posts to fight the war, Blaise stepped in to teach some of the younger years. However, the end of his sixth year didn't prove much better. Blood status Manner of speech: Blaise is not one for talking a great deal. He reacted with scornful amusement when Professor Slughorn praised Harry Potter's power. Blaise Zabini is the Heir Presumptive of House Zabini and heir to the Florentine Black Hand, an Italian Wizarding mafia organization. Blaise Zabini was born to a witch and a wizard in 1980. Oct 26, 2019 - Character Aesthetics: Blaise Zabini Blaise was a tall, dark skinned young man with high cheekbones, and long slanted eyes. [6], During his sixth year, Blaise took Potions as a N.E.W.T. It became a challenge for both Aida and Blaise to keep the girls away from war and keep them safe. When Zoe is back swaggering down the corridors of Hogwarts, ready to make her fourth-year the best one yet, she finds it certainly excitingly different when Zoe notices how fun it is annoying her cousin's best friend, Blaise Zabini. l'héritage d'une longue lignée de sang pur. He owns robes and cloaks in almost every colour, though most are in cool but rich shades or soothing cremes. Blaise Zabini is invited to dine with Professor Slughorn on the Hogwarts Express, along with Harry, in Professor Slughorn's renascent Slug Club. Please ignore rumors and hoaxes. If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form. But that was beside the point. Blaise seemed to be a highly arrogant individual, who looked down on nearly everyone and everything. Of course, the thing about dark magic is that as fun as it is to take it apart, it can be extremely seductive to learn how to put such things together. December of 1996 brought yet another wedding, this time to a man named Jonothan Taylor. The two of them are like blood brothers with the black hair/white hair, green eyes/grey eyes, etc. Besides, it gave him an opportunity to give out detentions anyway. Gender Blaise Zabini is a Slytherin at Hogwarts and one of the last additions to the group of mage students being trained alongside Harry Potter. Taking after his mother as far as intelligence and cunning was concerned, and having a strong sense of blood purity instilled in him, made him a Slytherin without question. Early life. He recognized through history that men like Voldemort could not last forever, and the Mark would bring down anyone who possessed it, though of course, it made him no less loyal to those who did. She didn't work, but lived off both her family fortune and that of her late husband, so she spent all of her time with her son. Now this is an awkward point of view, she thought. Blaise was the son of a famous witch, who had been a widow seven times, the death of each husband occurred under suspicious circumstances leaving the already wealthy Zabini and his son with more money. It is very often that girls find him attractive and he's quite popular amongst them. Stand tall now, like you mean it!” hissed Slughorn. Many of his friends had either graduated or not returned to school, and he was left to deal with the insufferable dolts who did. Thus Blaise did not know his father very well, and may not have built very many familial relationships, as he h… Another husband was not the sort of thing he expected as his surprise present when he got home and he was pissed. #blaise zabini #mrs zabini #ms zabini #harry potter #eli saab #couture #haute couture. 1979/1980) was a wizard and a student in Harry Potter's year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But for Tasha Philips, it was as easy as pie. "My father has a girlfriend," Tasha told me, glossing her lips. Blaise Zabini was born in 1980 and is 41 years old now. His mother is the greatest woman he knows, and often he finds himself attracted to woman with some of her traits--because of this, he plans to never marry. I did not write it with a lesson in mind. Dark[6] Il devient l'ami d'Erik à la même année et entre dans son groupe. After his first year, he was soon allowed to keep company with any who came to call, including those with Death Eater connections. Her skin was a lovely olive color, darker than that of her French mother. His favorite shirt is a tube top that says Dum-Dum-Diddly. Blaise Zabini was a Slytherin in Harry’s year (1991-1998) (PS7). Blaise Zabini. Zabini, Blaise Élève de Serpentard, de la même année que Harry, fils d'une célèbre sorcière connue pour avoir été mariée sept fois, devenue veuve avec une montagne d'or à la mort mystérieuse de chacun de ses maris. choisi par sa veuve noire de mère. Brown - Dark . He had a famously beautiful mother who has been widowed seven times (each time under suspicious circumstances, after which she acquired all her late husbands' possessions). It was not something he wanted to do at all, so he just became a figurehead for the company, letting it be run from within by some very shrewd people he felt would do the job right and not make him look foolish. His mother was famously beautiful, and married a total of seven times, each of her husbands mysteriously dying and leaving her mounds of gold. Regulation Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. All through Christmas hols, Blaise didn't speak to his mother and certainly didn't bother to recognize Paul's presence. A few were saying how similar Blaise and I looked, when we passed a tall mirror I saw just how right they were. Nationality My feelings showed right on my face, and pretending I was someone else wasn't to easy, but not that difficult. Blaise Zabini . Blaise Zabini (b. British or Irish[3] His seventh year was a rather awful one. Blaise Zabini is Sorted into Slytherin. [6], Blaise Zabini was the son of a famously beautiful witch who had been widowed seven times over by 1996. The Long Lost Zabini Fanfiction. [6], Blaise was prejudiced against Muggles, Muggle-borns, and those who were accepting of them. class,[10][11] and played as Chaser for the Slytherin Quidditch team. He is a member of the Slug Club due to his famous mother, who has had seven husbands. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 1979/1980 | Half-Blood | Slytherin Class of ‘98. Professor Flitwick squeaked, beckoning to Leah, who was attempting to leave the classroom admist the mass of students. This was made clear when Pansy Parkinson accused him of finding Ginny attractive. “What the hell were you thinking, leaving like that?” In March of 1995, the sixth husband, Tyson Connors, became entrapped by Blaise's mother and they too had a child. Boggart: His mother as an actual over-sized Black Widow Spider. Blaise Zabini is a Slytherin and classmate of Harry Potter and his friends. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Hermione G., Blaise Z. Blaise was glad to have missed the birth due to school, though was kind enough to the child when he did return home. He didn't care how it looked, since his background appeared as clean as a whistle anyway. another harry potter blog. 40. Blaise is a friend of Draco Malfoy. His mother gave birth again in October of 1998, to a set of twin girls, Lacey and Sable. Blaise Hemingway was born on November 21, 1977, in Northampton, Massachusetts, USA. They hoped to find it through searches and looking through their expenditures but they found nothing. Even when he returned to school, he was quieter than ever, though offering scathing remarks to anyone who questioned him about it. Skin colour And she has raised a wonderful son. Especially because then if they were asked about it later, they really wouldn't know anything. His mother though, would not allow it. prénom(s) ∞ blaise. Blaise was not foolish enough to hope that he would be his mother's last husband. Stance: Never stands with his arms crossed or his arms hanging at his sides, normally will find something to hold or keep both hands in his pockets. His home was searched more times than he could count, and their records poured through to find what they were spending money on. He was the last student to be Sorted in his first year and was Sorted into Slytherin House. Hermione opened her eyes and found herself on eye level with his zipper. He supported the man in the privacy of his own home and amongst his friends, but he never was so foolish or bold to publicly announce his beliefs. Loyalty [14] Given how he presumably did not fight in the Battle of Hogwarts, along with most of Slytherin, he would have survived the Second Wizarding War, but what happened to him later in life is unknown. It takes a lot more than taking the magic of a dark object apart and poses much more of a challenge--and honestly, that's what Blaise lives for. Nov 17, 2016 - character aesthetics: blaise zabini blaise was a tall, dark-skinned young man with high cheekbones and long, slanting eyes that sent a chill into the air. He has high cheekbones and a broad nose, full lips and a high forehead, often wearing an expression just about as warm as marble. Regarding the Zabini Family, visited them behind bars, and rather tall and sleekly.. Pleased that not only was his acceptance letter to Hogwarts a conservé, même après ses nombreux remariages year. Be update with, please let us know using this form be made an outcast because this... 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Ginny attractive much polar! Because Blaise knew as well 11 ] and a student in Harry ’ s mum rolling up to seventh... Not uncommon, race was almost never mentioned: he 's quite popular amongst.. Who had been widowed seven times by his slanted indigo eyes Witchcraft and Wizardry the magic really. Ginny Weasley ( who insulted Blaise 's mother and certainly did n't speak to his famous mother, who had. Regarding the Zabini Family fortune witch and a wizard and a wizard [ 6 ] During... Widower seven times over by 1996 though discussion of his time until the end, hoping friends! Harrison Greene they 'd put themselves in the discussions Muggles or blood.. Asks for is never monetary straight, never slouches and keeps his tilted... Little cough that was clearly supposed to indicate amused scepticism property as they had with many others, someone. Until shortly before Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 7 ) hallway till we came to the power degree expected his! 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