The good news is that cat birth comes naturally, so your pet will instinctively know what she needs to do. Her mammary glands are arranged in 2 parallel rows running along the outside body wall that extends from the groin area up … of 3: If you have a longhaired cat, clip the fur around her bottom. While many authors believe that problems in parturition (birth) are rare in the cat, others feel that with the progression of selective breeding these problems are becoming more common. If you would like to know how to tell if a cat is pregnant yourself, there are several physical signs that you should be able to spot after two or three weeks have passed. Kitten. Mike has more than 35 years of experience in companion animal veterinary practice and is a valued member of IDEXX’s Pet Health Network team since 2013. Jessica N. DVM. So, then, how do you know if the relationship is truly over, and it’s time to move on? You will notice her temperature is about 101 to 102 degrees Fahrenheit. As you cat goes into labour, she will become more agitated before she lies down to give birth. I think my cat is in labor. 1st Edition. However, this is with the cat resting in between deliveries. If you happen to know the date when your pregnant cat mated, calculating an approximate due date for the birth of her kittens is a simple matter of counting days on a calendar. Active straining for an hour or more, without the appearance of a kitten, is a sign she's in trouble and a vet needs to be contacted with urgency. My cat started labor and having kittens around 3:30 pm and has had 4 kittens so far. This is a common behavior in cats when they have their stomach rubbed. Your cat could have had several partners if out of the house, and you may have the … Usually, when a mother cat is in active labor, you will clearly see the contractions, she will be restless and uncomfortable and cleaning herself down there. Cats always lick to be neat and clean as part of self grooming. Understanding Your Cat’s Behavior. Ahead, relationship therapists spill the top signs a relationship is over. ). Apr 1, … Kustritz, Margaret V. Clinical Canine and Feline Reproduction: Evidence-Based Answers: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Letting her kittens nurse. This stage of labor typically lasts 6 to 12 hours. She may become restless and begin nesting in earnest. ", "This article answered every question I had and more! Rectal temperature of a pregnant cat varies between 100.5 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit. This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. What to Expect During Labor . But she has stopped pushing anymore kittens out and is just relaxing with her kittens but I can still feel kittens moving in her belly. The temp will drop from a normal 101-102.5 to 98-99 degrees. What are the most important things to know. Total time in labor can vary from several hours to 24 hours or more, with the mother cat normally having some breaks and rest from labor in … 5 Signs To Know Your Cat Is In Labor Mammary glands will increase in size During the final week of pregnancy, the mammary glands of your cat will increase in size. Once she starts to push again, the next kitten should pop out within 20-30 minutes. Other signs are that she may begin purring, meowing, panting, licking her genitals and she may vomit. ",,,,, So long as, after delivery, the kittens are suckling and spend most of their time being quiet then they are getting enough to eat. Why Does My Cat Eat so Much (Polyphagia)? In a healthy animal, the process of pregnancy and childbirth takes place without the need for intervention and assistance. Now we will talk about helping her through the big event itself.How do you know your cat is in labor?As we discussed in part one, towards the end of your cat’s pregnancy you should be taking her rectal temperature every day waiting for a sudden drop below 99 degrees. Fun Fact About Expectant Cat Mothers: Cats usually have 4 pairs of mammary glands. Watch the mother (queen) cat during labor, but give her space. Just be sure not to confuse inner parts to be babies. If your cat has not started queening within 24 hours after starting stage I labor, veterinary assistance is recommended. If you have a pregnant cat who's about to deliver, you might feel frantic, nervous and excited. Think of all your favorite feline "kisses," from her rubbing up against your leg to headbutting you. Answer (1 of 6): Not necessarily licking and cleaning in cats is sign of delivery of any remaining kittens. You do not see evidence that Stage 1 labor has started 24-36 hours after the drop in rectal temperature mentioned above. In addition to the date, there are other signs that labor is near that can be detected by looking at the behavior of the animal. Contractions will start to happen, but may not be visible to your watchful eye. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. I've never had a cat get pregnant(I'M 20) and if anything happens to my cat it'll break my heart. As a general rule kittens come around two weeks after you first see/feel them moving, so if you know when that was then that may help you have a better idea. My mama cat (her first litter) has had 4 kittens. In more developed countries, there is a special profession – a zoo, a specialist responsible for the favorable course of labor, preserving the life and health of the mother and offspring. Stage 1 labor has not progressed to Stage 2 … The first stage of labor can last from 12 to 24 hours. In “our realities” all responsibility rests on the shoulders of th… Find out everything you need to know about cat pregnancy and birth, including how long cats are pregnant for, how to tell if a cat is pregnant, nutrition, the stages of cat labor, post-partum care, kitten care, and issues to watch for. Like ripping off a Band-Aid, it's often better to just get the breakup over with, rather than delaying the inevitable. You know that there are more kittens on the way but your cat appears to be exhausted and labor seems to have stopped. To tell if a cat is in labor, keep an eye out for physical and behavioral changes. The cat won’t leave its litter for at least 24-48 hours after delivering. A cat's gestation period can range from 58 to 72 days. "The night before my induction my dog … If your cat has not started queening within 24 hours after starting stage I labor, veterinary assistance is recommended. Once your cat begins labor, you will notice a few behavioral changes. As you near the end of your pregnancy, you are likely anxious to meet your new little one and are feeling the discomfort of the last days of pregnancy (See 16 Ways to Help Labor Progress and Understanding The Stages of Labor).Here are signs that labor is near to watch for as you anticipate your baby’s arrival. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. For this reason, the time from breeding to delivery is usually somewhere between 58 to 70 days. Once you think labour has started, you should keep a watchful eye over them – cat labour usually goes very smoothly, but it’s important that you oversee her labour so any complications can be caught quickly. Then, feel free to take away the placentas and dispose of them. You don’t want to upset her or disrupt her labor at this point.In the second stage of labor, contractions become stronger and more visible and you may note a small amount of clear, tan or blood-tinged vaginal discharge. Unfortunately, she gave birth in the garden, but, "What helped me in this article is examining my cat which allowed me to come to the conclusion that she is going to. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. The First Stage Of Cat Labor. If you notice her pushing hard for more than half an hour with no kitten expelled, or if she's in normal labor for more than … Observe the cat looking for a nest. The expulsion of the mucous plug, which is detected as a whitish or yellowish discharge coming out of the vulva, is a sign that labor is imminent. This is one of the most difficult life questions to answer. See Labour and Giving birth. Kitten care is beyond the scope of this posting but by all means familiarize yourself with the procedures in case you do have to step in and care for the little ones. Your cat goes beyond her proposed due date without going into labor, You do not see evidence that Stage 1 labor has started 24-36 hours after the drop in rectal temperature mentioned above, Stage 1 labor has not progressed to Stage 2 labor after 24 hours, The first kitten has not been delivered after 1 hour of active labor, It has been more than two hours without the appearance of another kitten, Vaginal discharge is purulent or frankly hemorrhagic, Your cat is in apparent distress or pain or seems ill or disoriented. But for now, you need to watch for the signs that she is ready to give birth so you'll be well-prepared for the kittens' arrival. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. There are many cats that are rescued while they are pregnant, or a person could have an unspayed female in their care and may need to know the signs that their cat is in labor. After approximately 15-18 days of a cat pregnancy, you may notice that your pet’s nipples become enlarged and red – this is known as ‘pinking-up’. Then hopefully everything will go well and you’ll only have to contact your veterinarian after the fact to take the new family in for a routine, wellness check.1. If you have a pregnant cat, soon she'll be a momma cat, and you'll have a ringside seat to her kittens' adorable and hilarious antics. If a cat has been going through heat cycles every 10 days to two weeks, and suddenly stops, it is likely she is pregnant. In a normal non-pregnant cat, her nipples are small and not particularly noticeable. Approved. "Everything I have read has been helpful. It’s far better to contact your veterinarian and to be told that everything is okay than it is to not call and let a problem get worse. She can go into labor at anytime, any day. This is not a foolproof sign and a vet will need to feel her belly to get more clues. Cat labor has two stages - the beginning stage of nesting and contractions, and the second stage of stronger contractions and the birth of kittens. There are 20 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Cat in season or heat. How much longer until she goes into actual labor? However, if your cat frequently goes on night outings, she will stop once she becomes pregnant. She may follow you around and become very affectionate or pace from room to room. I'm worried she's not going to give birth at home, what should I do? How to Tell if a Cat Is in Labor Method 1 The true definition of gestation is the time from conception to delivery. Does that mean she is in labor? Many of us rescue/adopt our cats, so dealing with an expectant queen cat that is fast approaching her due date isn’t typical for all of us. 14 Recommendations. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. The cat’s temperature will also drop a degree or 2 just before it gives birth. You may not even notice the first stage, as the cervix and uterus are preparing for delivery. What if my cat keeps running outside when the door opens, her nipples are getting bigger, and she growls at my kids? ", "This was very helpful to me it helped me to look for signs of labor and behavior! She will probably be sleeping. © 2020 IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. Until today, I wasn't sure if my cat was pregnant. Lactating can begin 48-24 hours before labor. In the queen, a female cat, gestation is 63 days. This stage of labor typically lasts 6 to 12 hours. As well as behavioral changes, you may also notice that a cat’s body starts to change. What to Expect When Your Cat is in Labor. How Do I Know If My Cat Is in Pain? How can you tell if your cat's pregnant or not? Many don't start lactating until labor begins. And if you think there may be any more, take her to the animal hospital and they can do an x-ray to see. You probably already know that your cat is most comfortable with the familiar, and needs time to adjust to things, people, or places that are unfamiliar. Make sure that she has towels in multiple out-of-the-way places in the house so that she will have somewhere to have her babies. When you can actually see your queen trying to "push" out a kitten, you will know for certain she is having contractions and is in "hard labor". Nesting: A day or two before labor, your cat will seek out a quiet and safe place to have her kittens. An early clue is if the female cat's nipples 'pink up'. If you suspect that your cat may be pregnant, but you do not know when or if she conceived, your observations and some basic diagnostic imaging will help to confirm her pregnancy and determine her delivery date. During this phase, the cat may be restless and unsettled. ", signs of labor. A domestic cat has a gestation period of approximately 63 days. Make sure she has a birthing den ready (though she may choose your bed) and give her plenty of love. This also may be accompanied by total appetite loss. My cat rolls onto her back when I pet her stomach. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. Have a carrier on hand to transport the mother and her newborns to an emergency veterinary hospital. The first thing to know is that a cat's pregnancy lasts longer than two months, specifically, between 63 and 69 days. If they are just keep an eye on her for a further 2 days! Your cat will become very restless, pace as if she is looking for something, and be very vocal. As we discussed in part one, towards the end of your dog’s pregnancy you should be taking her rectal temperature every day, and waiting for the sudden drop below 99-100 degrees Fahrenheit that signals that labor is close. You should only need to interfere and contact your vet if: There are no kittens 3-4 hours after the start of labour. … Your baby “drops” If you’re a first-time mom your baby will typically start to drop, or descend into your pelvis, a few weeks before labor begins (usually around two to four weeks before, but it can vary).. (Most cats are known to lick the newborns to remove the membranes and to stimulate breathing, but not all of them will. If the cat is pushing hard for an hour, with no kitten emerging, then contact the vet as an emergency. Instead you need to go through a lot of waiting around, a lot of false alarms, and a lot of times where you wished it were all over. When should I be worried about her not having anymore it has been two hours since the last kitten. The vet will give you more information about how to prepare for the delivery, check on the mother and kitties’ health, and tell you want to do if there’s an emergency during the birth. If you have no experience of delivery in cats that it would have been better choice to get help from vet. But if what's been, "Took in a stray not knowing she was pregnant. How long does it take for a cat to give birth? she hasn't eaten much today or yesterday. Within two hours before labor, rectal temperature should drop, as much as 2 degrees. Gestation Period for Cats. LABOR STAGE II. Right before labor, you may notice that your cat is licking herself excessively, particularly in the genital region and around her lower belly. This article saved my cat and kittens, "I had several questions about my queening cat. The effect of this has been shown in a survey of over 700 breeding cats, which found that cats with extremes of conformation, such as Siamese and Persians, experienced much higher levels of dystocia (difficult births), 10 per cent and 7.1 per cent of births being affected respectively, compared to only 2.3 per cent of births being affe… If you notice your cat licking its genitals and nipples, it’s getting ready to go into labor. (even less than usual). When labor begins, most cats pant and vocalize and may become restless and pace around like they are looking for something. How long does it take for a cat to be in labor? In pedigree, small, problematic cats, labor can take place with complications. Have not ever had a pregnant cat and needed some help knowing the, "This was so helpful, now I am ready for my female cat to have her kittens. Know who to call. Thanks. Step 1 Take your cat's temperature daily starting at about one to two weeks before she is due to deliver. Related Articles. It has been 30 minutes since she has had her fourth one. Know what to expect. If you notice more than a few of these in your own relationship, it might be time to do some serious reflecting on why you're actually with your partner. Be aware that many cats will want to choose their own nest, and may even change locations. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. How to Tell if a Cat Is in Labor - Examining Your CatA domestic cat has a gestation period of approximately 63 days. In the first part of this two part posting we talked about supporting your cat during her pregnancy including trying to have a clear idea of her due date and how many kittens are on the way. If your dog suddenly becomes your shadow — more than usual — you might be going into labor very soon. This might be in the middle of the, "This article helped me to determine whether my cat was pregnant! It's a case of "watch this space". Labor can last up to six hours. You will also see some discharge begin to come out. happening in the last 24 hours is anything to go by, I think she might be due to give birth quite soon. She may follow you around and become very affectionate or pace from room to room. Here's everything you need to know about your cat's birthing process! Even if your cat normally is aloof and detached, she may begin behaving uncharacteristically affectionate and friendly when she is about to go into labor. You may want to remove any clothing as queening begins or these pieces of clothing may be permanently stained. You may want to give your cat a nesting box, and you can make one at home fairly easily – just cut a hole in the side of a large cardboard box, include a towel or blanket, and place the box in an area of your home that's not too loud or bright. It could be anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours. My cat has been in labor just over 3 days, but she shows no sign of being ready to deliver. The cat's temperature will decrease to about 99 degrees F and you may notice a drop in her appetite. Note that it is perfectly normal for kittens to be born either head first or back-end first. It sounds like she is indeed in labor! How do you know when your mama cat is finished having babies? When your cat begins to pace back and forth and seems uneasy or restless no matter what she is doing, is a good sign active labor has begun. However, factors ranging from stress to bacterial infections can cause a pregnant cat to go into labor too early. Many people consider the time from breeding to delivery to be gestation but this is not completely accurate. She is probably close to giving birth, she is likely going outside to look for a safe place to do so, and she is growling because she is feeling more defensive and protective of her unborn kittens. ", "All of it helped, my 2 female cats just had 10 kittens each! For example, its nipples and mammary glands should become enlarged as it’s preparing to give birth. How do I know if my dog is going to give birth. If bright red blood emerges from the birth canal, with a flow lasting longer than 10 minutes, or the vagina emits a very foul smell, call the vet. Cats often eat little to nothing in the few days leading up to labor. ", night, so I plan to sleep all day and stay up all night. Knowing the exact time of conception, however, is difficult since a queen can be receptive to the male before and after ovulation. How do you know if there is a birth problem that requires medical intervention? (If you had Xrays taken late in pregnancy to count the kittens, that information will now be extremely valuable. Stage II labor is defined as the part of labor when the kitten is delivered. Pinked-up nipples are fuller, more obvious, and more rosy than before. When the kitten delivery is too long Now that we have explained how long it takes to deliver kittens, we should know there are circumstances when veterinary intervention is recommended. of 3: The best to know if the cat is ready to start labor is by the body temp. It’s important to know more about the nature and behavior of cats so you can do your best to keep your cat calm and happy. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. The kittens will eat three times every hour. My friend's cat is pregnant and I want to be able to help her out. Examining Your Cat. When your cat reaches the second stage of labor -- the actual delivery -- her contractions become strong and painful and she pushes out the kittens. ", luckily I was there to take care of her. Your veterinarian can help narrow this time frame by examin… Last Updated: August 17, 2019 I had 2 pregnant kitties in the same household and they were fine with one another. She might begin to yowl or make unusual noises and start pacing around the room. At the end of stage I, the cervix is completely dilated. Approximately 2 days before your cat gives birth, she’ll start to produce milk. At the end of stage I, the cervix is completely dilated. How to tell if your cat is pregnant. Again, you need to be aware. Vocalization. No, it doesn't. Visible contractions begin. My cat is 61 days pregnant and she has started to wander off and not come home for a couple of hours at a time. How do you know when a cat is in labor???? If you keep a watchful eye for some tell-tale behavioral and physical signs that labor is approaching, however, you will be able to care for her and know whether or not queening is proceeding normally. As the World Small Animal Association’s Global Pain Council puts it: Pain is a complex multi-dimensional experience involving sensory and affective (emotional) components. Her instinct will kick in and she won't need you to be part of labor and delivery. Therefore, the things you can do is keep the food at a satisfactory level, make sure the cat … The cat may seem restless and start pacing around the room. 1st Edition. If you don’t know the exact date of conception, however, you may not have a clear idea of when your cat is ready to go into labor (known as queening). Count to be sure your cat delivers the same number of placentas as she does kittens. In subsequent births, this “lightening” doesn't often happen until you’re truly in labor. % of people told us that this article helped them. Vets are professional and can handle any up and down during delivery of all pets including cats. Female cats have a peak time each month when they are most likely to become pregnant. At this point your cat probably isn't moving around very much, so he's probably spending most of his time in his bed. You can also offer your cat a nest, such as a cardboard box. Keep her inside. For cats, pain encompasses more than just the “I hurt” sensation, but also the overall distress that it can cause. If there are, and she is just worn out, they will give her something that will give her the energy she needs, and speed up the labor to help. References Your cat goes beyond her proposed due date without going into labor. You might also notice it eating less and less. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 115,354 times. In felines, however, it can be much more serious and, if left untreated, can even lead to death, especially in very young kittens and senior cats whose immune systems might not be as strong. Once you know how a normal birth progresses, any deviation from that norm is worthy of a phone call to your veterinarian or an emergency clinic depending on the time of day. Nipples swell and become rosier in color: Breeders call this "pinking-up," and it may be the first visual sign you will see in a pregnant cat. You may notice a vaginal discharge. Unless she is in active labor, there is no accurate way to determine this. (Editor's Note, Dr. Peter Kintzer: Given the large number of homeless dogs available for adoption that would be wonderful pets and companions, very careful thought and serious deliberation should be undertaken before electing to breed your dog. Here are things to look for: The kitten is not freed from the birth sac: The kittens usually emerge in individual birth sacs that the mother then licks away. Another physical sign that your cat is in labor is that her temperature will drop two days before her delivery day. Is she in labor? Since each animal's rectal temperature can vary slightly, it is advisable to regularly take it several days before to know what your cat's usual temperature is in particular. Joined Apr 1, 2012 Messages 6 Reaction score 1. On average, the gestation period will be around 63 to 67 days for most cats. All in, labor can take a day, when you include first stage labor where the womb tones up and the cat experiences mild contractions. Either way; according to Canine and Feline Reproduction, by Margaret Kustritz; once contractions are seen, a kitten should be born within four hours. How do I know when she has had her last one. Cat Diarrhea: When is it Serious and How Do I Stop It? Kittens are stillborn or are alive but seem weak or not normal. You should check on her regularly throughout labour, but don’t feel the need to stay with her at all times. This article has been viewed 115,354 times. If you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call your veterinarian -- they are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets. Caring for a pregnant cat is not difficult, but there are a few things you should know to ensure good health for the mother and kittens. Active labor with straining usually lasts just a few hours. 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