It takes a little extra effort but can be well worth it if it helps prevent your dog from having a seizure. There are plenty of potential seizure triggers including the environment, things around the house, foods, medications and of course, stress. Our nutritional products are available for purchase worldwide. If you are going to change his diet, introduce the new food slowly rather than a complete, abrupt switch. Things that might run through your mind include: Why is my dog having a seizure? While seizures seem to occur spontaneously, many factors have been identified as possible dog seizure triggers. It’s estimated 75% of U.S. households use a product to scent their homes. What you can do: Since you control your dog’s diet, you can make sure you aren’t feeding your dog any of these potentially harmful foods. Seizures can be caused by various factors … In fact, scented household items are potentially detrimental to your dog’s health. Animal Wellness Magazine created a list of the chemicals to avoid the next time you purchase something to scent your home: Now take a look at the air fresheners in your aerosol sprays and plug-ins. They are linked to irritation in the throat and airways, nosebleeds, and respiratory ailments. “Epilepsy: A Cause of Seizures in Dogs.” PetCoach, Accessed 7 April 2017. Link, Tim. When burned, the paraffin is thought to release carcinogenic soot which can aggravate a number of respiratory issues like asthma, as well as heart issues. While masking unpleasant odors - scented candles, air fresheners, and essential oils may pose a health risk for dogs. Seizures can begin in some cases when a dog is just a puppy. If your dog does have a seizure, keep a journal of the potential triggers and bring it with you when you go to see your veterinarian. Another stress trigger to avoid is loud arguments or angry voices. In fact, according to the AKC Canine Health Foundation, any breed of dog can be affected by canine epilepsy. Your vet may conduct a neurologic examination to help determine the root cause of any dogs with seizures. This chemical is shown to cause inflammation, tissue damage, and cancer in the lungs of rodents. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. There are plenty of potential seizure triggers including the environment, things around the house, foods, medications and of course, stress. These can each be found in tainted pet food. The physical stress factors that trigger seizures in dogs are very similar to those seen in humans. They’re friendly for the whole family. Air purifiers are an alternative. Here are some of them. Canine epilepsy affects nearly 30 different breeds as well as mixed breeds. Believe it or not, a dog’s medications can sometimes trigger seizures as well. From walks to the dog park, to just sitting out in the backyard, the outdoors will be a big part of your dog’s life. Food allergies are also common triggers of seizures in dogs, brought on by processed, low-grade dog foods. On the flip side, a prolonged period of activity and excitement can also trigger a seizure. Make sure they’re not easily accessible on coffee or side tables. If nothing else, these are all safe and healthy things you can do for your dog to ensure your pup has the best possible quality of life. For instance, having a diet too high in sodium can lead to salt toxicity, which can cause seizures and pancreatitis. Other potential environmental triggers include bee and wasp venom and toad poisoning. Dogs, like humans, are both physically and emotionally sensitive creatures. Read Every Label. Information contained or made available through the Canna-Pet® website is not intended to constitute or substitute for legal advice or veterinary advice. These very good dogs are very good at what they do—taking a whiff of a chemical during an attack. The flame is a potential fire hazard around dogs, especially if it’s within reach of your pup. Before we dig into the things you need to know about candles, chemicals, other air fresheners, think about this: an open flame and a dog who doesn’t understand the consequences of inadvertently knocking into it. Most seizures seem to occur spontaneously, however, we have found that certain chemicals and emotional stress factors can trigger a seizure. Once anticonvulsant medication is started, it must be given for life. What you can do: Since none of the items listed above are absolutely necessary to maintain a home, you can choose to eliminate them entirely from your dog’s environment. As always, preventing problems is key. Adverse Effects of Essential Oils and Herbs. There are ways to achieve this goal without introducing toxic chemicals to your dog. Buy an air purifier. Many are made with synthetic chemicals that produce indoor pollutants that affect animals. Don’t throw out your plug-ins and incense yet. A waft of lavender can be soothing, but candles and dogs are not a great combination. While a dog’s environment involves your home as well, this section will focus on the potential environmental triggers your dog may encounter outside. If your dog has a seizure shortly after beginning a new medication, you should make af note of this when you see your veterinarian. Fruits, including tomatoes and carrots, can actually trigger a seizure in some dogs. These dangerous chemicals are likely or known carcinogens, neurotoxin, and reproductive toxins. Laundry products, cleaning products, dish detergents, ironing sprays, scented candles, and so on. The chemicals, preservatives, and emulsifiers contained in some of these foods can be harmful to your dog. The soot can also cause respiratory problems and will aggravate the conditions of those who already have asthma, lung, or heart problems. Buy Our Products at Local Retailers & Veterinarians,,,,,,, Assisi Botanicals – Our Products for People. Dogs run on a very strict internal clock, and know when it is time to eat or go outside or when you get home from work. Other factors considered household items that can potentially trigger seizures in Shih Tzus include scented candles, perfume, loud … Malnutrition during the mother’s pregnancy. Just like you would for yourself, you should always help your dog to avoid stress, as stress can also be a trigger of seizures in dogs. Conventional candles contain many toxins that may pose a risk to your [dog]. Thunderstorms also can spook a dog enough to be a trigger. She writes the monthly Breeder’s Notebook column for Dog World magazine and the bi-monthly Nutrition column for the AKC Gazette, and has served on the AKC Canine Health Foundation President’s Council. Your dog’s environment involves more than just what’s outside — it also includes your home. These include Pine Sol or any other cleaners with pine oil, kerosene, camphor, eucalyptus, borax or boric acid, deck and wall stains, polyurethane fumes, paint fumes and Swiffer chemicals. It is also a neurotoxin and can cause neurological symptoms as well, such as depression, confusion, and seizures. Tags: dog seizure causes, dog seizure triggers, triggers of dog seizures. Even dog products like uncleansed rawhide treats and pig’s ear or feet can potentially cause a seizure to occur. Seizures are one of the most frequently reported neurological conditions in dogs. Photosensitivity pertains to flashing or bright lights. Dogs bring another layer of interesting scents into your home. If you love candles for ambiance or to help you relax, try these. A seizure may also be called a convulsion or fit, and is a temporary involuntary disturbance of normal brain function that is usually accompanied by uncontrollable muscle activity. Any kind of stress to your dog is a potential seizure trigger. Most commonly, dog seizures are caused by seizure disorders, like idiopathic epilepsy, which is typically inherited, but the cause is usually unknown. What your dog eats can absolutely be a potential trigger of a seizure. Dogs love to be outside. Your vet may even be able to provide treatment options such as anticonvulsant drugs. A waft of lavender can be soothing, but candles and dogs are not a great combination. Open your windows. The causes of epilepsy are not completely understood and it can occur in different ways in different dogs. Avoid touching them - they may unknowingly bite. They are non-toxic, good for allergies, and naturally dripless. Simply put, a trigger is the source of your dog’s seizure. First, learn about the danger and then … Holistic veterinarian Dr. Marcie Fallek told Animal Wellness Magazine, “Animals are more sensitive in general to poisons, partly due to their size and also to their metabolism. The majority of candles are still made from paraffin, a wax made from petroleum. Several commercially produced dog chews are bleached. Dogs Detect the Scent of Seizures. Certain breeds such as Shelties, beagles, golden retrievers, border collies and English springer spaniels have a higher incidence of seizures, but any dog can have seizures. Place the candles high off the ground so your dog doesn’t accidentally knock one over. Dogs are curious creatures and are bound to get into whatever it is that you are working on or working with. Be careful which oils you buy, because some are toxic to pets. + Get a coupon for 30% off a future order. Treatments for Seizures in Dogs. In other … By Emily … For example, having a diet that’s too high in sodium might cause salt toxicity that can cause pancreatitis and seizures. Email The cause of this malfunction may be a result of an abnormality located within the brain itself, or it could be the result of a disease that starts in another part of the body but is still is able to affect the brain. Most commonly, dog seizures are caused by seizure disorders, like idiopathic epilepsy, which is typically inherited, The severity of epilepsy depends on the type of epileptic seizures. Learn which products can be harmful, as well as determine how we can safely incorporate the heavenly scents of the season into our home. Acrolein, acetaldehyde, and formaldehyde: These dangerous chemicals are carcinogens and can reduce air quality. Sudden changes to your dog’s diet or routine can also cause stress that may trigger a seizure. Other factors considered household items that can potentially trigger seizures in dogs include scented candles, perfumes, loud music, and cigarette smoke. Something like photosensitivity can trigger a seizure in dogs just like it can in humans. Do you know why you should worry about candles and cats, dogs, and other pets? Not just the disease, but the treatment can cause seizures. Changes in their routine can be caused by visiting friends or family members, a new baby joining the family, construction around the home and more. Walnuts are generally thought of as harmful to dogs, and caffeine can also be a trigger. Though candles can pose an obvious fire hazard around pets or danger to pets if consumed, I’m talking about the dangers associated with the toxins released when we burn a candle as intended. A couple of other environmental factors that can trigger seizures will be less in your control, but you can try to avoid them nonetheless. The following is a list of triggers that may bring on a seizure if your pet has epilepsy. Many people will burn scented candles to help "set the mood," especially around the holidays. It releases carcinogens when burned. Pine, in particular, can be quite toxic to dogs and can cause seizures, so be sure not to use pine scented or infused cleaners. Other factors considered household items that can potentially trigger seizures in dogs include scented candles, perfumes, loud music, and cigarette smoke. Pay attention to the labels of all of your dog foods and treats and make sure they don’t contain anything you see above. Benzene: This known carcinogen is emitted from the soot of some candles. Strictures, in turn, can cause subsequent problems with swallowing and eating. And in a study published in the Environmental Impact Assessment Review, testing of top selling air fresheners and laundry detergents “found 133 different VOCs emitted from the 25 products, with an average of 17 VOCs per product. A big one is fatigue. Phenobarbital (PB) – Long term use can damage the liver, so blood tests will be needed to check function. Never leave a candle unattended when you have a dog in the house. POTENTIAL SEIZURE TRIGGERS . Many can cause vomiting, drooling, increased heart rate, seizures, coma, and even death. Scented Candles. aggression). Candles, potpourri and other scented objects should be placed out of furry ones’ reach. Flavored chews will often have some of the chemical additives listed above. Affected dogs can appear to be completely normal between seizures, so one question that is typically on every pet owner’s mind is: What causes seizures in dogs? Seizures associated with a concussion can often occur weeks or even months after the head injury. This is especially true if you witness your dog having a seizure, which is one of the most frightening experiences you can have as a pet owner. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (1,4-DCB) has links to compromised lung function and liver cancer in mice. Pets can be loving, but mysterious little creatures. “Seizures and Convulsions in Dogs.” PetMD, Accessed 10 Dec 2019. Eliminating these harmful toxins by discontinuing the use of dangerous products and removing harmful plants can eliminate one potential trigger of seizures in dogs from your dog’s environment. Scented candles, synthetic scented oils, carpet fresheners, and any products that contain synthetic scents which are labeled as “fragrance” on the ingredient label. You understand that artificial scents can be harmful to your pup, but you want your home to smell great. In an effort to reduce the chances of your dog having a seizure, you can try to avoid the things mentioned below. Toluene: This is found in candle soot. You’ve probably heard of separation anxiety and laughed it off as loyalty and an adorable dependence upon your as their owner. Lead: Some wicks have a metal core, which can contain lead. The ASPCA has provided a list of plants that are toxic to dogs. If your dog has ingested any part of the eucalyptus plant or a product containing eucalyptus oil it is important to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Other causes of emotional stress to dogs include long car rides, visits to your vet, general nervousness, and anxiety. Noises, scented candles, cleaning supplies and fragrances may not bother one dog but can be just enough to set off a seizure in a dog that is predisposed to seizures. Not all candles and air fresheners are created equally. The symptoms of seizures in dogs can vary in intensity and length. Identifying the cause is the key to any treatment for seizures, so your paying attention can be your dog’s saving grace. Life, in general, can be stinky. Dr. Karen Shaw Becker recommends you be on the lookout for these harmful ingredients: Do you want your dog inhaling those chemicals while they’re inside? “What Causes Seizures In Dogs?” TheSprucePets, Accessed 7 April 2017. You may need a magnifying glass for this job. Treat every scented product you buy with the utmost suspicion. Your dog’s environment can play a large role in seizure episodes. Other common causes of seizures include issues with your dog’s health such as eating poison, liver disease, low or high blood sugar, kidney disease, electrolyte problems, Anemia, head injury, Encephalitis, strokes and brain cancer. This is especially true for dogs that take potassium bromide as an anticonvulsant. Also, monitor their play time and don’t let them get out of hand. Can Dogs Die From Eating Candle Wax? For example, dog. And in some cases can be a real problem. Epilepsy causes seizures that result from abnormal bursts of electrical activity in the brain. But naturally, the answer (like with most canine medical conditions) is never simple, there are plenty of causes that may potentially trigger a seizure including environment, things around the house, foods, medications and of course, stress. Being left alone for too long can cause a dog a great deal of stress and can trigger a seizure. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Is my dog going to be okay? When you burn the candle it’s possible the lead released into the air will be above the EPA threshold. Diffuse essential oils. In fact, scented household items are potentially detrimental to your dog’s health. Perfumes, loud music, and not all candles and dogs are not a great deal of stress and cause! You read the ingredients before you use air fresheners, and anxiety check function are aware of,... Pick the right ones, and respiratory ailments are discovering that they are non-toxic, good for allergies, these... 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