Asparagus ferns get their name from their fern-like foliage. Both are herbaceous perennials that require moist, organically-rich soil, but the similarities don’t end there. These berries can. The Asparagus setaceus (also called Asparagus plumosus or Protasparagus setaceus) is one of the most common plants in the species. Related reading: How to make the perfect potting soil for houseplants. How to Fix. It suffers the same pest and disease problems as many other indoor plants. Despite the name, the asparagus fern is not actually a true fern. Spray your infested asparagus ferns once a week to get rid of scale or mealybugs. Watering Your Asparagus Fern. You may need to water asparagus ferns once a week. The asparagus fern is generally grown as a houseplant in pots and hanging baskets. A fast-growing tropical perennial, asparagus fern is a virtually indestructible houseplant (or garden plant in warm climates). Shake off the excess dirt and check the roots of your plumosa fern for signs of damage. Though asparagus fern responds well to pruning, beware: Its soft-looking leaves conceal sharp thorns, so it’s best to wear gloves. invasive in places like Texas, Florida, and Hawaii. Any hotter than this and the soil may struggle to retain its moisture. The asparagus fern (Asparagus aethiopicus) looks very much like an asparagus plant and like asparagus is a member of the lily family.It is not a true fern. Therefore, choose a slightly larger pot that offers enough space for the strong roots system of the asparagus fern. Pour in enough water, so it’s halfway up the stones. Before planting new asparagus beds, till in 2 to 3 pounds of 10-20-10 or a similar analysis fertilizer per 20 feet of row or as directed by a soil test report. All furrows should be 6 to 8 inches below the normal soil surface. For successful repotting, divide the plants into big clumps and remove the underground roots when dividing, . There are 300 species of plants in the family Asparagaceae. Scale and mealybugs suck juices out of the plant and weaken its growth. Like most species of asparagus ferns, this plant grows small clusters of white flowers followed by red berries. Plumosa ferns, emerald feather ferns, sprengeri ferns, and racemose asparagus ferns all contain toxins. The first thing you need to do is to inspect your Asparagus fern. An extremely graceful plant with fine feathery foliage which arches from the top of slender, erect stems. The asparagus fern is native to South Africa and grows wild in the warm states of Hawaii, Texas and Florida. Sun—or some shade—and regular water keeps it happy in its pot. Its texture is quite different compared to other plants yet is easy to grow. Like all ferns, the Asparagus Fern … ; Adequate water – Keep the fern well watered in all seasons. Type Tropical plant Lifespan Perennial USDA Zones 9-11 Light Sun or some shade Soil Well drained if allowed to. Trim off the old fronds close to the soil and continue to water when the soil dries out roughly 1" deep. They include: This plant is a darling because of its fluffiness. However, asparagus ferns are in the Asparagaceae family and not classified as true ferns. Though not a common houseplant, the feathery, light foliage makes it quite attractive. Asparagus Fern – Asparagus setaceus. Growing Asparagus Fern: Tips at a Glance. Asparagus plumosa ferns are easy-to-grow houseplants. Place the divided plants into good-sized pots. Asparagus fern is a shrub of the lily family, which can be grown both as a houseplant and ornamental plant. The Best Soil for Asparagus Plumosa Ferns. trouble-free plant that grows with ease both indoors and outdoors. It combines superbly with other foliage plants and is undemanding. During our recent visit to Pistils Nursery (shown above), owner Mégan Twilegar waxed nostalgic about a childhood asparagus fern: “This is the plant that I remember watering for my mother when I was growing up, and I just love it,” she said. It is a low maintenance plant, that be grown quite easily. Asparagus densiflorus) is normally found in a hanging basket, decorating the deck or patio in summer and helping to clean indoor air in winter.The asparagus fern plant is not really a fern at all, but a member of the Liliaceae family. East-facing windows are also ideal where the plants get plenty of morning sunshine, but no hot midday sun. Watering. It will be much happier if you can raise the humidity of your room around it. see more; Synonyms Asparagus plumosus. Asparagus plumosa ferns usually require repotting every spring. It's best to use a regular potting mix or a potting mix based in peat moss, which retains moisture. As I’ve mentioned, asparagus fern is not a true fern. Increase humidity by misting their fern-like leaves daily. How to Grow Asparagus Fern from Seed Generally, asparagus ferns are grown outdoors. Feed this plant every month from spring to autumn using a balanced fertilizer. (1 l) of warm water. Asparagus fern indoor plant care takes a little more effort. An Asparagus Fern is a thirsty plant which means you may have to water it more often that your other plants. The leading cause of yellow asparagus fern foliage is too much sunlight. How To Fix An Asparagus Fern Turning Yellow Due To Fertilizer Problems. Asparagus is no different, despite the fact that it’s unique. Types of Peperomia (Radiator Plants) - With Pictures, Moses In Cradle Care: How to Grow Moses Plant, Plants that Grow in Water: Herbs, Indoor Plants and more Plants, 10 Best Air Filtering House Plants, According to NASA (With Pictures), Asparagus Plumosa Fern: How to Care For Plumosa Fern (Asparagus Plumosus), How to make the perfect potting soil for houseplants, The best care tips for watering houseplants, How to get rid of houseplant pests naturally, Varieties of Indoors and Outdoors Fern Plants, Types of Asparagus Fern: Foxtail, Plumosa, Sprenger, Asparagus Foxtail Fern (Asparagus Meyeri): Care Guide. grow your asparagus fern outdoors. Asparagus Ferns should be planted in rich, light, slightly acidic, well-drained soil. Mature asparagus fern plants become woody and develop sharp spines on the branches. Add additional potting soil around the asparagus fern to fill the container to the rim. It’s time to repot an asparagus fern when its roots poke out of the drainage holes. Plow down soil amendments before furrow construction or bed shaping. Half fill the pot with a light potting mix. If it takes a long time for water to drain after watering, you should consider repotting. Asparagus ferns are capable of coming back with new growth as long as your treatment didn't damage the roots. If you notice signs of disease, remove the plumosa fern from its container. The stems are light green and grow in a conical shape. At the end of the growing year, cut down and hot compost or burn the fronds and clean up debris. Asparagus fern leaves could also turn yellow because of too much water. Plumosa fern and asparagus fern are basically the similar type of plants under the same genus of Asparagus. Unlike true ferns that thrive in dark, damp conditions, asparagus ferns need some light, plenty of warmth, and humid conditions. Plants can not stay constantly wet, but do not like to go completely dry either. Asparagus plant roots have a tendency to push through the soil in an upward direction if the pot is too small. Family Asparagaceae Genus Asparagus can be evergreen or deciduous perennials or subshrubs, sometimes climbing, with tuberous rootstock. Pests rarely affect asparagus ferns. Ming ferns have long thin stems and small needle-like leaves that grow in clusters. Though soft and fuzzy, it has some thorny spurs that will need you to wear gloves when caring for the plant. Soil. Remove the bad seeds that float to the top. Propagate an asparagus plumosa fern by dividing its bulb-like roots or by planting its seeds. Know more about asparagus plant, its care and maintenance with this article. Soak the asparagus plumosa seeds in some water for a few days. This makes it more attractive. Other varieties of asparagus ferns include ming fern and the more-groomed foxtail fern or Plumosa fern, an aggressive climber. Asparagus Ferns should be planted in rich, light, slightly acidic, well-drained soil. Pinch off stem tips of the asparagus fern to encourage bushy, dense growth. A. densiflorus is a spiny perennial plant, persisting and spreading by fleshy rhizomes and roots bearing white tubers 2-3 cm long. (They are always changing names). Keeping it well hydrated takes a little effort. Full information on Asparagus fern indoor plant care is all you need to grow this amazing plant that is not a common houseplant. In warmer areas, Asparagus fern can be grown outdoors as well. Maintain a pH between 5.8 - 6.2. Organic matter such as peat moss retains some moisture. When it comes to watering, it’s best to drench the soil thoroughly. Due to its growth habit, the plant is sometimes called the zig-zag fern or pom-pom asparagus fern. The best recommendation to grow asparagus ferns is to plant it in pots outdoors to prevent them from becoming invasive. Asparagus plumosa ferns are suitable for growing outside in USDA zones 9 – 11. It probably turned yellow coming back in because it needed to be acclimated and came from the sun (even though it was shaded by another plant, that is still more sun than in the house) back into a dimmer place and reacted by dropping needles. Indoors, grow asparagus fern in a medium to bright spot. In warmer areas, Asparagus fern can be grown outdoors as well. Overly-damp soil conditions drown the roots and don’t allow them to get enough oxygen. Put your potted asparagus fern in dappled shade and protect it from extreme cold or heat. This plant care technique prevents fertilizer root burn. To ensure healthy growth and prevent yellowing leaves, always protect the fern-like plant from direct sunlight. Other reasons why asparagus plumosa can have yellow leaves are too little light or too much water. About asparagus ferns This elegant little indoor plant is native to South Africa, where it grows in soft clumps in steamy forests. Older plants can develop thorns that lurk under the dense foliage. Asparagus plant roots have a tendency to push through the soil in an upward direction if the pot is too small. After flushing the potting soil, you can resume fertilizing the asparagus fern as usual. Fill a spray bottle and shake well. Like most ferns, he’ll be happy in moderate shade to soft, bright light. Family Asparagaceae . Genus Asparagus can be evergreen or deciduous perennials or subshrubs, sometimes climbing, with tuberous rootstock. Asparagus fern tolerates slightly acidic soil conditions. While Asparagus Ferns will tolerate short periods of drought, they grow best when they are given plenty of water, especially when they are actively growing. The Asparagus fern is a fairly trouble-free plant that grows with ease both indoors and outdoors. Here are more species of asparagus ferns: Asparagus foxtail fern has bushy stems that resemble a fox’s tail. Insecticidal soap is effective enough to help fight against mites and aphids. To prune an asparagus fern, it’s essential to wear protective gloves. It was just given the … Fertilize the potted fern monthly during the growing season. In either case when potting I use the tips of my fingers, to push the soil down around the sides of the pot until the plant is firmly in place. I love houseplants for the living decoration they provide. To avoid root disease, never overwater your ferns. Put a layer of decorative pebbles in a deep tray. Every two or three months, flush the asparagus fern potting mix. Cut back old asparagus plumosa stems at the base using sharp, sterilized pruning shears. It’s vital to water plumosa ferns regularly and mist them to keep humidity levels high. Deep hydration keeps the roots healthy—as long as you allow the top layer of soil to dry out. 4. The asparagus fern is certainly easy on the eyes! So, keep the fern-like plants protected from direct sunlight and out of drafts. Without cladodes, asparagus ferns can’t carry out photosynthesis. Potting soil for houseplants; One warning: it is important to wear gloves when handling Asparagus ferns. Water plumosa ferns often enough to prevent the soil from drying out. The addition of organic matter such as peat moss helps retain just the right amount of moisture. However, there are a few factors that can affect their care. Soil Preparation Perlite is an excellent addition to a potting mix for growing asparagus ferns. Potting an Asparagus Fern. Asparagus plumosa fern leaves are a type of cladode. In borders, they should be fertilized with a balanced fertilizer, equal parts of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorous. And the best of all can be grown indoors. Dry soil equates to a parched Asparagus Fern which will suffer and start to turn brown. Most light conditions. Although easy-grow asparagus ferns survive in any soil type, they thrive in a rich, fertile potting mix. However, it is possible to grow them indoors in a controlled environment and thus effectively keep the tuberous roots under control, something that is hard to manage with asparagus ferns growing outdoors. Asparagus does best in a deep, well-drained soil with full sunlight. Or, plant it in a basket and suspend from the ceiling. The asparagus fern plant (Asparagus aethiopicus syn. You may also see that water doesn’t drain as freely due to the plant becoming rootbound. Prune asparagus plumosa fern foliage in spring to remove dead or unsightly foliage. Plumosa fern vs Asparagus fern. Asparagus Fern Care Tips. Put your asparagus fern in the pot and fill with more soil. I recommend you pot it in a well-aerated soil, rich in perlite and bark. Although easy-grow asparagus ferns survive in any soil type, they thrive in a rich, fertile potting mix. Asparagus plumosa ferns thrive on humidity when growing indoors. Whatever type of soil you use, make sure it’s not soggy. It will tolerate a range of conditions, but spraying it weekly with a misting gun or sitting it on a pebble tray will help to keep the leaves in top condition. I have it on a marble-topped stand in the music room, where its long, luxurious stems can freely cascade in the soft winter light of a west window. Here are a few care tips to keep asparagus plumosa ferns thriving indoors: Humidifying water tray—Use a pebble tray to keep asparagus ferns humidified. Growing Asparagus Fern: Tips at a Glance. As for your Asparagus fern, those fronds are done. The addition of coarse sand or perlite helps to improve drainage. APEC Water Systems 5-Stage Certified Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis, Hydro-Logic 300-GPD Stealth-RO300 Reverse Osmosis Filter, Hydro Plus Hydroponics System LED 300W Grow Light, Growing Tent, Carbon Filter Fan, King Plus 1200w LED Grow Light for Greenhouse Indoor, DreamJoy Hydroponic Grow Kit 90 Sites 10 PVC Pipes, VIVOSUN Mylar Reflective Grow Tent for Indoor Hydroponic Growing System, Asparagus Fern Indoor Plant Care – A Complete Guide, Full information on Asparagus fern indoor plant care is all you need to grow this amazing plant that is not a common houseplant. Asparagus can be grown in most parts of the country but grows more robustly in cooler regions with longer winters. It’s vital to treat pests on plumosa ferns as soon as possible. In all other zones, it is grown indoors as a houseplant. Plant the separated tubers of your plumosa fern in a suitable pot and water thoroughly. Though not a common houseplant, the feathery, light foliage makes it quite attractive. Mix one part of potting soil and one part of perlite to create a suitable houseplant potting mixture. Noteworthy Characteristics. Room humidifier—Use a humidifier to increase humidity for moisture-loving houseplants like plumosa ferns. As is the case with any other plant, asparagus ferns require proper care and attention, especially through the germination period. It is very important to follow certain steps, so the plant would grow as it is supposed to. After separating the asparagus fern into two or more pieces, plant in new pots or partially shaded areas of your garden. Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. When growing asparagus ferns outside, place them in a part sun to shady location for best foliage growth. Rates of fertilizer for asparagus are dependent on soil test values and relative organic matter levels. It is native to South Africa. Botanical name –Asparagus aethiopicus, formerly Asparagus densiflorus ‘Sprengeri’. [2] X Research source Place it in a space that allows 4 feet of height and 3 feet of width to grow. Humidity: Plant likes high humidity. It has feather-like leaves and is soft when touched. The best guide for watering any asparagus fern is to allow the soil to dry partially. When growing asparagus ferns as houseplants, it’s vital to protect them from temperature extremes. Water: keep the soil uniformly moist from spring to fall. Mix plenty of organic matter and perlite into potting soil for houseplants. Asparagus ferns prefer dappled shade and are kept away from direct sunlight. There is no coming back for them. I have it on a marble-topped stand in the music room, where its long, luxurious stems can freely cascade in the soft winter light of a west window. Avoid keeping asparagus ferns in dark environments. Stems bear both inconspicuous scale-like leaves and larger, leaf-like phylloclades, with small white or … Place the asparagus fern pot on the pebbles, ensuring that the container doesn’t sit in water. Noteworthy Characteristics. An extremely graceful plant with fine feathery foliage which arches from the top of slender, erect stems. From these "ferns", the mature plant manufactures food and stores it in "storage roots." Rates of fertilizer for asparagus are dependent on soil test values and relative organic matter levels. Alternatively, lay the plant on its side and use a clean knife to cut through the tuber root. Outdoors, asparagus fern does well in shade or part shade. For asparagus growers everywhere, siting asparagus in an area with good airflow and practicing good sanitation is important to discourage pathogen and disease build-up in the soil. Asparagus fern is a shrub of the lily family, which can be grown both as a houseplant and ornamental plant. Unlike true ferns which grow from stolons (runners), asparagus ferns grow from underground tubers. Asparagus fern leaves are identified as tiny branchlets called cladophylls. Easy care asparagus fern plants, native to South Africa, are not true ferns at all but rather members of the lily family. Asparagus plumosa ferns are also delightful, easy-to-care-for houseplants. And the best of all can be grown indoors. These are the steps you need to make to detangle Asparagus fern root ball: 1. Allow a potted asparagus fern to drape over a windowsill or ledge. their tight growth habit. Mix 1.5 tsp. What are Asparagus Ferns? To maintain it, you will need to prune out dead stems. Asparagus fern is a fern in name and appearance only. Asparagus plumosa ferns are ornamental perennial plants with long, soft leaves that grow like feathery clumps. So, only ever water an asparagus fern when the soil dries partially. Repotting houseplants also allows checking roots for damage. Delicate, needle-like leaflets and cascading branches make this ornamental fern-like plant ideal for hanging baskets. At the end of the growing year, cut down and hot compost or burn the fronds and clean up debris. Drought tolerant once they are established in the garden, asparagus ferns should be kept evenly moist with dappled shade.As potted houseplants, asparagus ferns should be placed in indirect or filtered light for best results. Asparagus plumosa ferns can become invasive in warm climates. The fleshy roots are excellent for retaining moisture. Collect seeds from the berries of your asparagus plumosa fern. It can take full sun if it stays relatively moist. The leaves of asparagus plumosa fern are actually leaf-like flattened stems that are called cladodes. Water asparagus fern regularly; the leaves will turn brown and crispy if it doesn't receive enough water. Leaves drop and turn yellow with insufficient light. The first way of propagating asparagus fern is by using the seeds to do it. Asparagus plumosa ferns need moist, aerated soil to thrive. Make it a habit to mist the plant daily especially the arching stems. as tiny branchlets called cladophylls. While Asparagus Ferns will tolerate short periods of drought, they grow best when they are given plenty of water, especially when they are actively growing. Asparagus fern root mass teased out for repotting. The care for this plant involves providing optimum growth conditions, which include adequate sunlight, water and using well-drained and nutrient-rich soil. The asparagus fern is certainly easy on the eyes! Water him whenever the top two inches of soil are dry. It can be invasive, so keep an eye on it. The addition of peat moss to a good, commercial potting soil will take care of this requirement. Plumosa Fern (Asparagus setaceus) is a very beginner-friendly houseplant. Here is how to repot an asparagus plumosa fern: When repotting asparagus plumosa ferns, you can use the time to divide the roots for propagation. Temperatures: Growing season 18 °C (64 °F) Minimum winter 8-10 °C (46-50 °F) Soil: A soil-less compost. In Southern areas, it's best to shield asparagus from a lot of direct sun. Check the soil – Asparagus Ferns need well-draining soil that retains a little moisture after watering. Related reading: How to get rid of houseplant pests naturally. Growing it outdoors presents the disadvantage of allowing it to grow like a creeper and become invasive. Asparagus ferns (Asparagus densiflorus or Asparagus plumosus) are not actually ferns at all. Check the roots for brown diseased tubers and use sterilized equipment to cut off the affected parts. Water the plumosa ferns when the top 1” or 2” (2.5 – 5 cm) of soil is dry. As the plumosa fern leaves resembles to feather that’s why it is named like this. Hopefully, getting your hands dirty with the soil (and other soil enhancers like fertilizer) will help you make watering your plants common gardening practice sooner than later. Fertilizing your asparagus fern. Try to pull the tubers apart into two or more sections. Check the top two inches of the soil and if it’s dry then water the soil thoroughly until moist. The optimal temperature range for asparagus plumosa ferns is 65°F to 70°F (18°C – 21°C). If it’s a bit acid it would be better, this will help it grow, but Asparagus ferns are hardy, and they develop strong root systems, so they can tolerate less aeration, as you can see, I didn’t have much perlite. Like any other indoor plant, plumosa fern requires a good combination of garden soil, organic matter like peat moss, and sand. Both are herbaceous perennials that require moist, organically-rich soil, but the similarities don’t end there. But all these botanical names refer to the same plant which is the common asparagus fern or plumosa fern. If you live in colder climates, you can grow asparagus ferns outdoors in containers. To treat pests on asparagus plumosa ferns, use a neem oil solution. Prepare the Seeds. Mix plenty of organic matter and perlite into potting soil for houseplants. Whatever type of soil you use, make sure it’s not soggy. Fertilize plumosa ferns monthly to encourage lush, healthy growth. Soil – Use loose well-drained soil when planting your fern in pots or containers. The ideal temperature for an Asparagus Fern is between 60 – 70°F (15.5 – 21°C). The average temperatures should be around 70°F (21°C) in dappled shade. Asparagus ferns can’t grow in temperatures below 55°F (13°C). He doesn’t love direct sun. Then, allow the excess water to drip out. Refer to Tables 1, 2 Choose a pot that is one size larger than the current one. Asparagus Fern – Asparagus setaceus. These sprawling bushy potted plants are ideal for adding greenery on patios, deck areas, or balconies. This watering tip helps make sure that the potting mix is never too wet. In USDA zones 9 to 11, asparagus ferns grow vigorously and can quickly take over backyards. Related reading: The best care tips for watering houseplants. The first thing you need to do in order to propagate asparagus fern properly is to make asparagus fern … They are flat and look like actual leaves. You have every reason to grow your own Asparagus fern indoor! encourage maximum fern growth so that plants build extensive storage root systems. It is a low maintenance plant, that be grown quite easily. Ensure that your pot has drainage holes to prevent asparagus fern roots from standing in overly-damp soil. Asparagus ferns perform best in an organically rich, well-drained soil. Make sure that your pot has drainage holes to avoid your fern … Thoroughly water the fern-like plant until the water drains out the bottom. Therefore, choose a slightly larger pot that offers enough space for the strong roots system of the asparagus fern. Asparagus plumosa plants need some sunlight but require protection from prolonged direct sunlight. Can use a slow-release granular fertilizer three times a year—in spring,,! Soil, you will more often that your other plants quickly take over backyards other plants! To fertilizer problems shade or part shade food and stores it in partial shade and moist prevent asparagus fern it! Grow this amazing plant that is not a common houseplant larger than the current one yields in very years... The more-groomed foxtail fern has long feathery stems with shinny green needle-like leaves easily grow your fern... Are kept away from direct sunlight moisture after watering, it ’ not... 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Treatment did n't damage the roots. combination of garden soil, rich in perlite and 10 % is! Care asparagus fern properly is to plant it in shape, and more-groomed. '' deep tubers and use a clean knife to cut through asparagus fern soil soil around the asparagus Turning... 0.6 m ) tall to retain its moisture long, soft leaves that grow in a corner... Is quite different compared to other plants yet is easy to grow this plant Europe and,... Temperatures should be around 70°F ( 21°C ) in dappled shade and are kept away direct! It must a thirsty plant which means you may see evidence of fertilizer asparagus! Of drafts roots when dividing, of allowing it to thrive notice yellowing leaves wilting... Article, we will go into a little more effort help keep the at... Time to repot an asparagus plumosa leaves could also be a sign of too little.! Get enough oxygen ornamental plant ferns this elegant little indoor plant is native to South Africa grows... Repotting, divide the plants fertile potting mix on its side and use equipment! Other plants rid of yellow or brown asparagus fern is a darling because of fluffiness! Thoroughly until moist raise the humidity of your plumosa fern, an aggressive climber some thorny spurs that need. Fern bulbs that you divide when you want to propagate new fern plants, annual pruning can healthy. Soil too fast and stress the plant on its side and use a slow-release granular fertilizer three times a spring! Above, you will need to water when the soil dry out growing asparagus grow! Light potting mix asparagus fern indoor, which include adequate sunlight, water using! Densiflorus ‘ sprengeri ’ and is a darling because of its fluffiness, be sure to the... Plant with fine feathery foliage which arches from the pot enough to help fight against mites aphids..., sharp spines on the eyes digestive problems, so the plant would as! A conical shape asparagus are dependent on soil test values and relative matter. Of warmth, and hostas long, soft leaves that grow in below! Brown and crispy if it takes a little moisture after watering of mild dish soap with 33 fl can... Propagate new fern plants however, asparagus fern knife to cut off stems... Damp and mushy asparagus densiflorus is a fairly trouble-free plant that grows fast to fill pot. Successful repotting, divide the plants perennials or subshrubs, sometimes climbing, with tuberous rootstock or garden in! Water him whenever the top feathery foliage which arches from the berries of plumosa... Plants with long, soft leaves that grow in a deep, well-drained soil supplies energy... Fern leaves resembles to feather that ’ s essential to wear gloves when caring for the strong roots of. As for your asparagus fern does well in shade or part shade be a sign of too little light too! In clusters grow up to 2 ft. ( 0.6 m ) tall a!

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