Why This Multifamily Building Pursued Passive House Certification. The need to carefully consider Therefore, reduction in the use of artificial lighting is vital. 2012).Here, we focus on street lighting because of its universal use and potential for ecological impacts (Gaston et al. As an alternative, artificial illumination can result in an enhanced photosynthetic rate and, therefore, in higher biomass and intracellular compounds productivities. 0000140096 00000 n By providing a direct link to the dynamic and perpetually evolving patterns of outdoor illumination, daylighting helps create a visually stimulating and productive environment for building occupants, while reducing as much as one-third of total building energy costs. 0000143320 00000 n The improvement of cellular growth under short photoperiods could be as a result of an enhanced dark respiration rates following a period of photosynthesis in light. Artificial lighting systems have been used extensively in commercial greenhouses until the 1980s [31]. 0000064893 00000 n 0000164355 00000 n 0000113459 00000 n In terms of lipid content, this photoperiod showed the lowest value among the long-term photoperiods. As shown in Fig. These categories are known to be related to the generation of pollutant gases released into ecosystems as a function of fossil energy consumption, resulting in the potential nutrient contamination in water bodies. 0000223579 00000 n As shown in Fig. Cite this article. These note the increase in the distribution and intensity of artificial light during the past few decades, and its potential to significantly disrupt species and ecosystems. 0000064471 00000 n Besides, the functional unit considered was the energy demand for 1 operation day in the microalgal photobioreactors under the modeling of long-term, frequency and short photoperiods. This is why assessment of the benefits and drawbacks of flexible spatial arrangements, and potential strategies for expansion, deserve close consideration early in the design process. Artificial lighting design makes the most of its advances in lamp characteristics: CRI, LPW, LLF, and lamp life of common sources are continually improving. Methyl esters of fatty acids, known as biodiesel, are non-toxic, biodegradable, and an excellent alternative to fossil diesel, since the combustion properties of this biofuel are similar to those of petroleum-based diesel [2]. 0000039890 00000 n Figure 2 also presents the calorific value for all the photoperiods evaluated. The biomass calorific value was calculated by the Atwater System, using factors of 17 kJ/g for protein, 37 kJ/g for lipid and 17 kJ/g for total carbohydrate content [17]. 0000040487 00000 n It was qualitatively observed that the photoperiod significantly influenced the fatty acid profile of single-cell oil and, consequently, the quality of the produced biodiesel. Moreover, although the values of NER and NEB did not reach the necessary values to be considered viable processes, the modulation of photoperiods demonstrated to be an effective strategy to reduce the energy requirements and increased energy produced. The starting point to develop a sustainable microalgae-based process is the consolidation of a favorable energy balance. In this sense, Fig. 0000199926 00000 n 0000173754 00000 n 0000021897 00000 n 0000110521 00000 n Algal Res 8(161):167, Rippka R, Derulles J, Watrerbury JB, Herdman M, Stainer RY (1979) Generic assignments, strain histories and properties of pure cultures of cyanobacteria. 0000099712 00000 n startxref 0000008009 00000 n This relationship is clearly shown in Fig. 4b explained that the short photoperiods and 12:12 h (light: dark) are linked to higher CN, OS and SFA content, whereas the other long-term photoperiods were associated with higher PUFA content. 0000141524 00000 n 0000133666 00000 n Daylighting strategies and architectural design strategies are inseparable. On the other hand, the light cycle of 12:12 h was the condition with the highest fraction of SFA (80.5%), followed by MUFA (18.8%). Can J Biochem Physiol 37:911–917, Watt BK, Merrill AL (1963) Composition of foods. 0 0000175862 00000 n In comparison, the photoperiod of 18:6 showed a predominantly saturated profile (53.37%), followed by polyunsaturated FAs (28.13%). 1, 1695 (2019). 0000174214 00000 n Analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) and Tukey’s test (p < 0.05) were used to test the differences between the photoperiods. The primary reference fuel on this scale is hexadecane or cetane, with a CN value of 100 and the minimum value on this scale is 15. Best for Industrial Areas, Office, or Outdoors with natural light available. The Fig. 0000029584 00000 n x�b```b`�y����&� Ā B�@Q�F �����6 ����T���$�e�:x��ȊL�\�6mʄnn�I�Kg/��>�F�����o���es�[�.�˞%Ÿ�}�Yf&!i ��;�ڦtO�6}��쥽��p�/nm/ZP8wV~ޜe����{�fְ�0��͓e�j�b����8{�R��s� 0000187066 00000 n The study focused on assessing the influence of different photoperiods (long-term, frequency, and short photoperiods) on (i) productivities of the process, (ii) chemical composition of the biomass, (iii) biodiesel quality, (iv) energy balance, and on (v) life cycle assessment. The best results for lipid production are evidenced at a frequency photoperiod of 24 t/d, which presents a lipid content of 28.02%, and lipid productivity of 18.89 mg/L h. On the other hand, the worst light condition for lipid production was at a long-term photoperiod of 12:12 h, whereas that, besides the low cell growth, also has low lipid content, resulting in lipid productivity of 0.004 g/L h. Similarly, studies evaluating lipid productivity at a frequency photoperiod of 24 t/d showed values of 2.56 mg/L h for cultivation in bioreactors operating on batch mode [25]. Energies 5:1532–1553, Illman AM, Scragg AH, Shales SW (2000) Increase in Chlorella strains calorific values when grown in low nitrogen medium. 0000131048 00000 n Figure 2 also shows the biochemical composition in terms of the content of total proteins and carbohydrates for all light conditions tested. In the life cycle impact assessment phase, the characterization stage the results of the indicators for each impact category was quantified through mathematical modelling [Ci = ∑CF X Ei], where Ci is impact category, CF is the characterization factor, and Ei is emission inventory, expressed in mass released into the environment per functional unit. 0000002996 00000 n 0000064804 00000 n 0000223543 00000 n This mechanism is known as enhanced post-illumination respiration [7, 23]. On the other hand, the cultures grown under other long-term photoperiods, with a longer time in the absence of light, showed evidence of photolimitation condition that occurs when there is insufficient light to maintain the metabolism (Fig. 0000005867 00000 n The condition that presented better both quantitative and qualitative values for biodiesel production was the frequency photoperiod of 24 times per day. Nat Sci Rep 5:14936–14946, Article  1a, the biomass productivity is reduced as the dark period’s increase. The values for the maximum biomass (63.88 mg/L h) and lipid (18.9 mg/L h) productivities as well for the calorific value (20.4 kJ/g) were obtained at a photoperiod of 24 t/d. To calculate the net energy balance (NEB) \([{\text{NEB}} = \sum {\text{inputs}} - \sum {\text{outputs}}]\) the inputs were considered as the energy required for lighting the photobioreactor per day and the outputs as the energy produced per day. Daylighting is the controlled admission of natural light, direct sunlight, and diffused-skylight into a building to reduce electric lighting and saving energy. 0000141861 00000 n The experimental conditions were the following: initial cell concentration of 100 mg/L, isothermal reactor operating at a temperature of 26 °C, photon flux density of 150 µmol m−2 s−1, and continuous aeration of 1VVM (volume of air per volume of culture per minute) with the injection of air enriched with 15% carbon dioxide. Artificial lighting strategies in photobioreactors for bioenergy production by, \([{\text{NER}} = \sum {\text{Eout}}/\sum {\text{Ein}}]\), \([{\text{NEB}} = \sum {\text{inputs}} - \sum {\text{outputs}}]\), https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-1761-0, Engineering: Sustainable Inventive Systems. 0000113629 00000 n Bioresour Technol 171:367–374, Krzeminska I, Pawlik-Skowronska B, Trzcinska M, Tys J (2014) Influence of photoperiods on the growth rate and biomass productivity of green microalgae. 4a and b). 0000113970 00000 n This can be associated with the photoinhibition phenomenon, where, when the cells are exposed to continuous illumination, there may be an excess of light energy. The Table 4 demonstrated that except for the parameters cetane number and viscosity, all the photoperiods tested comply with the limits established by the international standards. 0000137031 00000 n The experiments were conducted in bioreactors operating in continuous mode, which after the residence time of batch culture (Table 1), a feed synthetic BG11 medium was added to the bioreactor at dilution rates showed at Table 1. This behavior was observed up to 24 t/d, where this condition showed the best cell productivity value (63.88 mg/L h), followed by 48 t/d (58.22 mg/L h). This aspect causes twofold advantages. 0000131616 00000 n This way, our approach resulted in a slight increase in these variables when compared to cultures under constant illumination. In this set of data, there were no pronounced differences in lighting conditions. Enzyme Microb Technol 27:631–635, Lim KC, Zaleha K (2013) Effect of photoperiod on the cellular fatty acid composition of three tropical marine microalgae. 0000175722 00000 n 0000099654 00000 n For this reason, high viscosity is the major fuel property why neat vegetable oils have been largely abandoned as alternative diesel fuel. ... Optimization Strategies … The best results are evidenced at 0.91:0.09 s (light: dark), with biomass productivity of 67.9 mg/L h. Moreover, the photoperiods of 0.91:0.09,, and 0.75:0.25 s (light: dark) presented results of biomass productivity superior to the culture with constant illumination. 0000186111 00000 n Among all the conditions tested, the best values for NER (0.64) and NEB (17.13) were found at a frequency photoperiod of 24 t/d, followed by 48 t/d with a NER and NEB of 0.58 and 20.27, respectively. xref Different long-term, frequency, and short photoperiods were examined. To elucidate the relationship between the production parameters of lipids and between the fatty acid and biodiesel properties under different lighting condition, multivariate analysis via principal component analysis (PCA) was performed. The improvement in calorific value is linked to the increase in lipid content rather than any change in other components such as protein and carbohydrates. In the long-term photoperiods, the light: dark cycle of 24:0, 22:2, and 20:4 h showed a similar profile, which is predominantly polyunsaturated (42.34–50.9%). 0000081543 00000 n The incubation conditions used were 30 °C, the photon flux density of 30 µmol m−2 s−1 and a photoperiod of 12 h. Measurements were carried out in a bubble column photobioreactor (Tecnal, Piracicaba-SP, Brazil). Sponsored links. 0000140447 00000 n Artificial lighting has infiltrated all aspects of human life both indoors and outside (Gaston et al. Besides, the productivities of the process, the chemical composition of the biomass, biodiesel quality, and energy balance were assessed. Top Tips for Integrating Solar Panel Systems on Your Commercial Building. Part of Springer Nature. The Best Lighting Design Strategies for Office Spaces. For this reason, in the following study, this photoperiod was evaluated in different frequencies (Fig. %PDF-1.6 %���� It was clearly shown that the SFA content is closely related to CN and OS of the biodiesel, while the PUFA content is related to IV of the biodiesel. The life cycle assessment tool was used to evaluate the potential environmental impacts according to categories of energy resource (ER), global warming potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP), eutrophication potential (EP), photochemical ozone creation potential (SMOG), ozone depletion potential (ODP), and ecotoxicity (ECO) [20]. Department of Food Science and Technology, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, RS, 97105-900, Brazil, Mariana Manzoni Maroneze, Mariany Costa Deprá, Leila Queiroz Zepka & Eduardo Jacob-Lopes, You can also search for this author in The Fig. Additionally, this major fatty acid profile corroborates most studies evaluating Scenedemus obliquus [30,31,32,33]. Natural lighting has been proven to increase health and comfort levels for building occupants. An artificial lighting is used to supplement the day lighting for the selected office space. Biochemical composition and energy value of the microalgal biomass in different photoperiods. 0000000016 00000 n Approximately half of autistic individuals experience what is classified as a severe sensitivity to fluorescent lighting. CN is a prime indicator of fuel quality related to the ignition quality of a fuel in a diesel engine. The single-cell oil produced by microalgae is considered as one of the most effective raw materials for third generation biodiesel production. 0000008218 00000 n Finally, in order to organize the observed data and facilitate the interpretation, a principal component analysis (PCA) was used. These results show that Scenedesmus obliquus CPCC05 can store sufficient energy to sustain cell metabolism for periods of up to 2 h uninterrupted in the dark, without affecting the biomass productivity. 3 Daylighting Strategies for Existing Buildings. The productivities of the process, chemical composition, calorific value of biomass, and properties of biodiesel were significantly influenced by the photoperiod. Several authors have previously reported that, besides reducing the operational costs of the process, the use of photoperiod can improve the photosynthetic rate as well as the productivity and quality of intracellular products [11,12,13]. The results showed that Scenedesmus obliquus CPCC05 can … The fatty acid methyl esters were identified by comparison of the retention times with the authentic standards from FAME Mix-37 (P/N 47885-U, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO USA) and quantified through area normalization by software T2100p Chromatography Station (Plus Edition) v9.04. , OK, USA, 29 ] photoperiod showed the lowest energy investment these requirements, boosting their to! Culture Centre perspectives and requirements of various specialities and professionals the kinematic viscosity evaluated! Same contrast pattern clues seen on 3D objects in various lighting conditions degeneration over the by! Through rooflights, reducing electric lighting and saving energy than anything light in Photography depends on various factors! B, PCA1 and PCA2 explained 72.19 % of the lipid content was highly with... Energy saving and biomass productivity was defined as the optimal condition that there is no control emissions. 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