Several studies have analyzed the impacts of recycling, environment. mechanical and chemical treatments to achieve meaningful outcomes. Countries with the most ambitious PV targets Finally, the next step for the industry and researchers is to create module designs that are “recycling-friendly” [29]. closed-loop use of metals. How? By Marina Monteiro Lunardi, Juan Pablo Alvarez-Gaitan, José I. Bilbao and Richard Corkish, Submitted: November 9th 2017Reviewed: January 25th 2018Published: February 15th 2018, Home > Books > Solar Panels and Photovoltaic Materials. Renewable and Sustainable Energy, based on byproduct minerals: A case study of tellurium. Photovoltaic (PV) modules are used worldwide as a source of renewable electricity. After that, for CIS only, the EVA resin is burned and the CIS layer is grated. Much PV waste currently ends up in landfill. Also, and distributors of photovoltaic modules have been invited to provide information on the. The currently dominant tech-, nologies are cadmium telluride (CdTe), copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) and amor-, Thin-film solar cells were developed with the aim of providing low, tries, using relatively small material quantities. regulatory frameworks and institutions across the globe, which is not the case at the moment. Photovoltaic recycling technologies studied worldwide. This is made by setting aside funds by the company itself at the time of the module sale, which also happens with WEEE. to recycling. [7] Weckend S, Wade A, Heath G. End-of-Life Management Solar Photovoltaic Panels. It is expected that the disposal of PV panels will become a relevant environmental issue in the next decades. MML and RC acknowledge the support of the Australian Government through the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA). In their research, they focused on innovative process called FRELP for recycling of Si PV module. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. In 2016 their process of recycling PV achieved a record recycling rate of 96% for c-Si PV modules (fraction of solid recycled) [25], which is a percentage that surpasses the current European WEEE standards. Lastly for recycling, cesses aiming to generate new materials, the aim is to keep the materials intact for reuse or, direct recycling, recovering the frame, glass, tabbing and solar cells without breakages and, good condition. These high levels may be attributed to the welding materials used on the rear side of crystalline-Si (c-Si) solar cells. After that, for CIS only, recovered as well as the glass cullet [45]. technology to the First Solar process. Additionally, before the recycled silicon from solar cells can be used again, further chemical treatment is necessary, as well as for silver and aluminum. Guidelines for inclusion of results into these tables are outlined, and new entries since January 2016 are reviewed. The cumulative worldwide PV generation capacity reached 302 GW in the end of 2016 [2] and the predominant technology (90% of the market) is crystalline silicon (c-Si) cells [3]. The market for photovoltaic (PV) electricity generation has boomed over the last decade, and its expansion is expected to continue with the development of new technologies. lead and tin, this can result in significant environmental pollution issues. Then, the module is shredded, sorted and separated. OSTI.GOV Technical Report: A review of incentives, strategies and model technologies for recycling photovoltaic modules Basically, thin-film modules consist of thin layers of semiconducting material (CdTe, CIGS or a-Si) deposited on a substrate (glass, polymer or metal) (Figure 3). Our team is growing all the time, so we’re always on the lookout for smart people who want to help us reshape the world of scientific publishing. Considering a polysilicon current prices at USD 20/kg and a recovery rate from commercial recycling processes of 70% this is equivalent to USD 380 million [7]. photovoltaic (PV) industry, at reasonable cost. The PV waste management has the potential to develop new pathways for industry development and offers employment prospects to investors, for both public and private sector [7]. The absence of valuable materials plays a key role, and process costs are the main critical variables. Summary of ANTEC solar GmbH recycling process for CdTe modules [43]. There are different cell structures for crystalline silicon-based PV cells [32]. recycling process is always higher than the landfill option (not considering the externalities), making recycling an economically unfavorable option [23]. These are equivalent to 4% of installed PV panels in that year, with waste amounts by the 2050s Summary of "hot knife" recycling process for PV modules [46]. Only about 10% of PV modules are recycled worldwide. This process can recover up to 98% unbroken cells depending on the conditions of the module and the thickness of the cells. The problems with this process are that the value of the material recovered is low (as it is a downcycling process) and that the maximum amount of recovered materials is about 80%, which is not sufficient for future requirements, and the value of recovered materials is smaller than the original [25]. Environmental benefits (i.e. Open Access is an initiative that aims to make scientific research freely available to all. The heterojunction (HIT) cells are also expected to gain some space with predictions of 15% of the total market share by 2027 [7]. credits) due to the potential productions of secondary raw materials have been intentionally excluded, as the focus is on the recycling process. It can be seen that there are opportunities and challenges related to PV recycling processes. By making research easy to access, and puts the academic needs of the researchers before the business interests of publishers. Sectors like PV recycling will be essential in the world’s transition to a sustainable, economically viable and increasingly renewablesbased At present, only the European Union (EU) has adopted PV-specific waste regulations. More efficient than solvent dissolution process, Other separation processes required for full removal of EVA, Separate 80% of wafers and almost 100% of the glass sheets, Cost-effective industrial recycling process, Slightly worse texturisation (damage to cell surface), Complete removal of EVA and metal coating on the wafer, It can cause cell defects due to inorganic acid, Other separation processes required for full EVA removal, Cell defects and degradation due to high temperature. „Wenn niemand etwas dagegen tut, dann verwandelt sich alles in einen mausgrauen Matsch“ – so formulierte Boulding bereits 1971 seine Ansicht zu der Tatsache, dass der menschliche Abfall in höherem Ausmaß zur Entropie beiträgt, als der natürliche fortwährende Prozess des sich Vermischens, der ohnehin auf der Erde abläuft. In addition, the recycling of solar PV modules can ensure the sustainability of the long-term supply chain [24], thereby increasing the recovery of energy and embedded materials and, also, reducing CO2 emissions and energy payback time (EPBT) related to this industry. A brief literature review is assessed based on recently published articles and reports, which provides the readers a general overview on the solar PV waste management and regulations made by world leader countries in solar panels. The first step is, to crush and separate the materials mechanically, ment to recover the semiconductor metals. Considering Si, up to 30,000 t of silicon can theoretically be recovered in 2030 [7], which is the amount of silicon needed to produce approximately 45 million new modules. In later sections, the environmental impacts of PV systems are discussed, considering the life cycle stages in three broad categories: manufacturing, operational, and end of life. 173-181, s module collection and recycling program. The process begins with the removal of the cables, junction box and frame from, the PV module. The process starts with the removal of the frames, and the backsheet foil before the thermal process begins. It’s clear that sustainable development of the PV industry should be supported by regulatory frameworks and institutions across the globe, which is not the case at the moment. Much PV waste currently ends up in landfill. Because of that, recycling solar modules is a relatively complex task, since these materials need to be separated. It is concluded that treatment (abatement) is the only viable short-term option. Because of that, there should be a, continuous focus on scientific evidences on the potential impacts and, Furthermore, recycling processes for all the different PV technologies, oped. Silicon solar modules recycling processes. 12th European Photovoltaics Confer-. Total collection rate for WEEE in 2014 as a percentage of the average weight of EEE put on the market in the three preceding years (2011–2013) [8]. FirstSolar [21] developed a recycling process for CdTe modules. The remaining glass is exposed to a, mixture of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide aiming, to reach, After that process, the glass is separated again. Recycling end-of-life PV modules is environmentally favourable. Science. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported, Current Practices on Solar Photovoltaic Waste Management: An Overview of the Potential Risk and Regulatory Approaches of the Photovoltaic Waste, Solar PV waste management in the context of Sustainable Development Goals, Leaching potential of chemical species from real perovskite and silicon solar cells, Within the global circular economy: A special case of Turkey towards energy transition, Remanufacturing end‐of‐life silicon photovoltaics: Feasibility and viability analysis, Life cycle assessment and environmental impacts of solar PV systems, Journal of Renewable Energies End of life silicon based photovoltaic panels: A review, Review of the Segregated Cycle Tracks in Bhopal of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), Life Cycle Environmental Impact Assessment of Crystalline Silicon Solar Panel, 2017 SNAPSHOT OF GLOBAL PHOTOVOLTAIC MARKETS, Economic Feasibility for Recycling of Waste Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Modules, A Multi-objective Framework for Assessment of Recycling Strategies for Photovoltaic Modules based on Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental influence assessment of China’s multi-crystalline silicon (multi-Si) photovoltaic modules considering recycling process, IRENA andIEA PVPS (2016) - End-of-Life Management: Solar Photovoltaic Panels, Life Cycle Assessment of an innovative recycling process for crystalline silicon photovoltaic panels, Integrierte Wiederverwendung von Hightech- und Greentech-Abfällen, Proof-of-Concept for Facile Perovskite Solar Cell Recycling, Solar cell efficiency tables (version 48): Solar cell efficiency tables (version 48), Photovoltaic Materials - Present Efficiencies and Future Challenges, Beneficial Re-use of Wastewater Biosolids, OPTIONS FOR ABATING GREENHOUSE GASES FROM EXHAUST STREAMS, Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of End-of-Life Silicon Solar Photovoltaic Modules, Recycling Expired Photovoltaic Panels in Poland, Global status of recycling waste solar panels: A review, Review on feasible recycling pathways and technologies of solar photovoltaic modules, In book: Solar Panels and Photovoltaic Materials. Among the 14 environmental impact categories evaluated by ReCiPe methodology, the most prominent environment impacts are found as Climate Change and Human Toxicity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. climate change. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. An environmental study made for the European Full, (FRELP) project showed that environmental impacts from c-Si recycling processes come from. It is expected that by 2050 that figure will increase to 5.5-6 million tons. NPV/size varies from −1.19 €/kg to −0.50 €/kg. Global review of policies & guidelines for recycling of solar PV modules . Encapsulation of the PSCs inhibited the release of hazardous substances, but did not completely eliminate the release of metals. Thin film processes are under development or near implementation in, materials is not sufficient when compared to production costs [26]. This article illustrates and analyses an innovative process for the recycling of silicon PV panel. Contact our London head office or media team here. the recovery of energy and embedded materials, does not mean that the recycling of PV modules should be discarded. Login to your personal dashboard for more detailed statistics on your publications. However, these processes are complex and are currently just at, Even with the difficulty of recovering rare, toxic and, the recycling process has a remarkable environmental advantage [28]. ... Consequently, methods for recycling PV modules have been developed worldwide in order to reduce the environmental impact of PV waste and to recover some of the value from old modules. Studies show that the impurity levels are an important issue during the recycling processes. The ITRPV predicts that, by 2030, the total material value recovered from PV recycling can reach USD 450 million. Arvind Sharma. In this brief review, we will describe processes for refurbishing and recycling of PV silicon. The company manages the, collection and transportation of EoL modules to the recycling centre; however, the recycling, process itself must be financed. 2014; s multi-crystalline silicon (multi-Si) photovoltaic modules considering recycling, Risikovorsorge. There are advantages and disadvantages of the different methods, considering. The recycling process for Si or CIS is based on pyrolysis of the polymers in a furnace. The aluminum back surface field (Al-BSF) [30] is the current industry standard technology but the passivated emitter and rear cell (PERC) [31] is gaining importance in the world market and is expected to replace the Al-BSF technology in the future [3]. A typical crystalline silicon (c-Si) PV module contains approximately 75% of the total weight is from the module surface (glass), 10% polymer (encapsulant and backsheet foil), 8% aluminum (mostly the frame), 5% silicon (solar cells), 1% copper (interconnectors) and less than 0.1% silver (contact lines) and other metals (mostly tin and lead) [33]. all the stages, from the collection of the PV modules to the end of the recycling process. The Life Cycle Assessment methodology has been applied to account for the environmental impacts of the process. Additionally, *Address all correspondence to: r.corkish@unsw, Renewable Energy Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney. In Japan, the scrap glass can be sold for 0.5–1 Yen/kg. In limited cases, such as in Japan or the US, general waste regulations may include panel testing for hazardous material content as well as prescription or prohibition of specific shipment, treatment, recycling and disposal pathways. These results consid-, ered that the recycling process involving dismantling, remelting, thermal and chemical treat-, Although it was already show that there are environmental benefits, the recycling methods, still need to improve in order to achieve better recovery rates and work on the transportation, The recovery of valuable materials during the recycling of, nomical value. A Review of Recycling Processes for Photovoltaic Modules, Solar Panels and Photovoltaic Materials, Beddiaf Zaidi, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.74390. This process recovers 90% of the glass for use in new, products and 95% of the semiconductor materials for use in new, Also, for recycling CdTe modules, ANTEC Solar GmbH designed a pilot plant with a similar. Furthermore, some innovative treatment processes for recycling PV solar modules have been developed. Although PV recycling modules are energy intensive, their implementation compensate for the energy used for producing virgin modules. This is made by setting aside funds by the, The recycling process starts with the shredding of the modules into large pieces and subse-, semiconductor films are removed in a slow leaching drum. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. FirstSolar [21] has, an established recycling process for CdTe, but for other thin films there are still room for, improvements. Solar modules have a lifespan of up to 25–30 years [18] and so there has been limited interest in investigating the aspects of EoL so far. Also, low temperature processes that are used with specific mechanical or chemical steps can generate impurities as well. So far, recycling processes of c-Si modules results in a net cost activity when compared to, landfill (due to the avoidance of the true environmental costs and externalities for the latter), but these processes can ensure the sustainability of the supply chain in the long-term, increase. The cells are, electrically interconnected (with tabbing), creating a string of cells in series (60 or 72 cells are, standard numbers used) and assembled into modules to generate electricity (, A typical crystalline silicon (c-Si) PV module contains, from the module surface (glass), 10% polymer (encapsulant and backsheet foil), 8% aluminum, (mostly the frame), 5% silicon (solar cells), 1% copper (interconnectors) and less than 0.1%, silver (contact lines) and other metals (mostly tin and lead) [33]. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 141, 108–124. The non-inclusion of PV residues in waste legislation in some countries is due to different, reasons. We demonstrate that the performance of PSCs fabricated from recycled substrates can compete with that of devices fabricated from virgin materials. FirstSolar [21] developed a recycling process for CdTe modules. There is potential to develop new pathways for PV waste management industry development and offer employment and prospects for both public and private sector investors. The summary of these processes is shown in, Reclaim PV has teamed up with major solar module manufacturers who distribute in Australia, and is refining its processes. US Patent # 6,572,782; 2003, 20161117-INCOMING/Tech-Science/Japanese-companies-work-on-ways-to-recycle-a-, mountain-of-solar-panels. Findings of our study indicate that proper measures should be taken in the high pollution processes such as polysilicon production and cell processing. Recent developments in photovoltaic materials have led to continual improvements in their efficiency. Besides, this review believes the basics of PV panel installation, management and recycling process which could recommend upcoming guidance for the public policymakers. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the Euro-. Today, process, which starts by pyrolising the modules. Consequently, methods for recycling solar modules are being developed worldwide to reduce the environmental impact of PV waste and to recover some of the value from old modules. Innovation Forum for Life-Cycle Strategies and Recycling of, Scarce Metals of Strategic Importance; 2011, recycling process for crystalline silicon photovoltaic panels. The processes are well developed for mono or multicrystalline silicon. Recycling of PV modules can remove and retain potentially harmful substances (e.g. Photovoltaic (PV) solar modules are designed to produce renewable and clean energy for approximately 25 years. Hence, adequate end-of-life (EoL) management for PV modules must be developed. The current standard c-Si module, modules is a relatively complex task, since these materials need to be, materials/layers of a solar module can be separated, metals such. Although thin-film solar cells use far less material than c-Si cells, there are concerns, availability and toxicity of materials such, example. As PhD students, we found it difficult to access the research we needed, so we decided to create a new Open Access publisher that levels the playing field for scientists across the world. In 2012 the Japanese government introduced a “feed-in tariff” [14] that guaranteed the rate for electricity generated from renewable energy and exported to the grid, which supported rapid growth of solar module installation in the country. Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, s Republic of China. This means more vehicles on city roads. Ministers agreed that the state of Victoria would lead innovative programs that seek to reduce the environmental impacts caused throughout the lifecycle of photovoltaic systems. + Develop a sound, This report examines different alternatives for replacing, treating, and recycling greenhouse gases. Even with targets aiming for 65% recycling product weight, some of the current studied recycling processes can recycle over 80% of the weight of a PV module (Figure 2). We are IntechOpen, the world's leading publisher of Open Access books. In particular, this paper focuses on the potential risk caused by solar panels, data collection for PV waste and management approach like recycling. The ecodesign methodology couples the life cycle assessment method with a PVGCS design model, which is then embedded in an external optimization loop based on a multi-objective genetic algorithm, i.e., a NSGA-II variant. 1st, Current feasible processes. Nevertheless, several methods for recycling PV modules are under development. While focusing on solar panel recycling it was revealed that lesser environmental effect is posed by it rather than landfill. However, this will not occur. The recovered material injected back into the economy can serve for the production of new PV panels or be sold into global commodity markets, thus increasing the security of future raw material supply. Publishing on IntechOpen allows authors to earn citations and find new collaborators, meaning more people see your work not only from your own field of study, but from other related fields too. Besides that, Si-based tandem solar technologies are expected to appear in mass production after 2019 [7]. Various indicators/impact categories that are generally considered in LCA are also discussed. To begin with, the role of solar PV systems in the new energy sector will be highlighted, considering the global scenario. Summary of NEDO recycling process for Si modules (pilot project). The process is based on a sequence of physical (mechanical and thermal) treatments followed by acid leaching and electrolysis. Originally created by PV CYCLE in 2007 and commercially available in Europe, the process of recycling mono or multicrystalline silicon modules begins with the separation of the aluminum frame and the junction boxes and then a mechanical process is used for the extraction of the remaining materials of the module (a process similar to recycling of glass or electronic waste). The study focuses on pollution causing process like production of crystalline silicon and solar cell processing. Results Official Journal of the, Guidelines on End-of-Life Management of PV Modules. The new technology, appeared to solve a clear problem, the firm attachment of the glass and the cells to the EV, and the consequent difficulty to separate them simply by smashing them to pieces and sorting, NPC incorporated is one of the companies that make solar, about 40 seconds. Information is condensed in this chapter, brief insights into the life assessment. 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